Monday, May 17, 2021

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Last night I went to bed at 10:30, fell asleep quickly, woke up once during the night but didn’t get up, finally waking/getting up at 6:15am. gave me 54Mbps this morning.

I left the apt at 8am and met Glenn and Bianca at the usual bus stop. We took a taxi to D’Andre where Steve soon met us for breakfast. I had the French toast (a little soggy) but with lots of fruit, bacon (which was too chewy) and coffee. At one point I went to the restroom but couldn’t find the light switch. A waitress had to point out that it is outside the door by the hinge.

We left there about 9:45 and walked 4 blocks to Los Trigos. What a disappointment. There were only 4 small tables outside and almost no pastry choices in their display case. Anyway, a young couple just beat us to the last table so we walked 3 blocks to Pergamino café #2. (We walked past Click Clack Hotel and we may try their restaurant sometime soon.)

We took a taxi to Envigado where they got out at Jumbo and I continued on to Viva Envigado. I recycled a couple plastic bottles then went to Exito for a large container of eggs. I wasn’t allowed in as pico y cedula is still in force and today is an even day. I confirmed that tomorrow is an odd day so I will return tomorrow to buy eggs.

Teresa called to tell me she’s out of her rumba class and will be home later. She called me back to inform me she’s having lunch in the park with her friend and I should order something for myself.

I won a game on time vs eschneiderag9 increasing my rating to 1521.

At 1:30 I placed an order with Go Wings. I had to enter my debit card information again; hopefully this is the last time.  I thought I had ordered just the chicken wings but they also delivered (and I paid for) fries and coleslaw. The total came to 25,500 (what was shown on the receipt) plus 5,500 delivery charge plus a 3,000 tip for a total of 34,000. I gave the driver another 5mil because I still haven’t figured out how this all works. 😊

Teresa beat me in parcheesi today 4 games to 1.

At 7:30 the downpour started. What a country!

My opponent Troyclough went on vacation. (All new accounts start out with 7 days of vacation time. All members then accrue additional vacation days per month: on the 1st, & on the 15th. Vacation time is capped at a certain maximum so that you can't keep accumulating vacation time forever.) I see he has 9 weeks of vacation remaining so this game might take a while to finish. I am up a pawn but he has a pawn on the 7th rank (1 square away from queening) but I have it covered by 2 pieces and I have 4 center pawns about to threaten his pieces. So, to be continued!


The US has 32,921,793 ð 32,950,707 ð 32,967,351 coronavirus cases with 584,700+ ð 585,200+ ð 585,500+ deaths.

Per Medellin Guru, as of this afternoon Colombia has a total of 3,084,460 ð 3,103,333 ð 3,118,426 cases with 80,250 ð 80,780 ð 81,300+ deaths. Medellin has 284,011 ð 285,06 ð 286,057 cases, an increase of 993 from May 15th to 16th. Envigado has a total of 23,650 cases, an increase of 35 from May 15th to 16th.


Joke of the day

Went to a bar last night and saw a BIG woman dancing on a table.
I said, "Good legs."
The gal giggled and said, "Do you really think so?"
I said, "For sure! Most tables would have collapsed by now."
Cost me 6 more stitches.

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