Friday, May 7, 2021

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Last night I went to bed at 10:30, fell asleep quickly, got up once at 3:45, couldn’t fall back asleep, got up at 4:30, read until 5am, went back to bed, woke/got up at 6am.

Teresa and I decided she didn’t need to go with me. If the receptionist didn’t understand what I wanted I would call Teresa to explain.

I left the apt just after 7am and arrived at Torre Medica El Tesoro by 7:30. At Urogine I called Teresa and she explained why I was there. By 8am I had paid 180mil for further study of my biopsy results - RACEMASA, CAPM and P63, whatever those are.

I quickly caught a taxi to the Manila neighborhood in El Poblado and was outside Las Fabrykas by 8:20. There was a copy center on the corner so I had my biopsy results printed. Glenn arrived about 10 minutes later and informed me that he had left his cellphone in his taxi. (Not the first time by the way.) Steve soon arrived and the next 2 hours were spent tracking his cellphone, calling his cellphone from my cellphone and calling his friend Juan to help. One problem is his ring tone is that pinging sonar sound ships made when hunting for submarines in World War II. Not very loud, especially in traffic. The bakery advertised croissants, eclairs, and cinnamon rolls on a small blackboard outside their entrance. I asked the server for a cinnamon roll. They didn’t have any. I asked for a chocolate éclair and they didn’t have that either. (Last time we were here I saw a guy carrying out tubs of pastries, probably for other stores, so I guess I know why they aren’t here.) I had an almond croissant which was very good. At Seré I had their French toast and another café con leche. Finally contact was made, the taxi driver returned the cellphone and Glenn tipped him 100mil.

Glenn reported he has a problem with birds flying into his apartment at night. Birds at night? I’m pretty sure they’re bats not birds. After further questioning we found that he moves his hummingbird feeder into the apt at night. Steve suggested he put it in a plastic bag so hopefully they won’t smell it.

We left about 11am and returned to Envigado by taxi.

Finally, a sunny day where we reached at least the mid-80s. About 2:15 the thunder started mainly from the north. We tried taking a nap but soon gave up in the continuous thunder. The temp quickly dropped to 72. The last peal of thunder I heard was at 5:15. We saw soon saw videos of flooding including El Tesoro mall’s parking area.

I finally received my US taxes from my accountant. Now I just have to print, sign, scan and return the signature page. I don’t owe anything to Uncle Sam, just $154 for the accountant.

Aargh. I gave my Queen away to a game against a 400 rated player. But I’m only down 1 point so I’m still in the game. On her next move she gave her Queen away so now I’m up 7 points. I’m having another close game against Troyclough who now is down closer to my rating. I think we’re a pretty equal match and I get to practice my openings.

Teresa beat me in parcheesi today 4 games to 2.


The US has 32,539,178 ð 32,584,456 ð32,632,099 coronavirus cases with 578,000+ ð 578,800+ ð 579,600+ deaths. (It appears they are now updating the website in the morning instead of the evening.)

Per Medellin Guru, as of this afternoon Colombia has a total of 2,919,805 ð 2,934,611 ð 2,951,101 cases with 75,627 ð 76,015 ð76,414 deaths. Medellin has 271,052 ð272,082 ð 274,340 cases, an increase of 1,209 from May 5th to 6th. Envigado has a total of 23,163 cases, an increase of 71 from May 5th to 6th.

Joke of the day

Two cows were sitting at a table, smoking marijuana and gambling heavily. The steaks were high.

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