Friday, May 21, 2021

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Last night I went to bed at 10:30, fell asleep quickly, got up once at 4:15 (heard the rooster crowing as I fell back asleep), finally waking/getting up at 6:30.

Well, Teresa is still here so its obvious she didn’t drag her body out of bed THIS morning.

Michael resigned our game increasing my rating to 1529. He thought he blundered and I had a mate in 2 but he could defend it. I checked the computer and it said I had a mate in 12. Anyway, his last move was a weak one that would have given me a win anyway.

I left the apt at 9:15 and arrived at Torre Medica by 9:40, 20 minutes early for my appointment. I was allowed in at 11am where an assistant used a fancy machine to take photos of my eyes from various angles.

A few minutes later I saw the doctor and I had the usual eye exam. She then put drops in my eyes to dilate my pupils and I was back in the waiting area for another 20 minutes. The doctor examined my eyes then declared she couldn’t see anything clinically wrong to explain the blurriness in my right eye and she set me up for an appointment for next Wednesday at 9am in the San Diego ophthalmology clinic. The office visit cost me 230mil.

With my dilated pupils I just wanted to get out of the brightness of the day and back to the apt. Luckily, it is easy to catch a taxi outside and I was back at the apt by 12:15.

Teresa informed me I have an appointment with my urologist at 9:15 tomorrow and he should have my test results.

I took a nap for an hour, then had lunch with my sunglasses on. By 3pm they were starting to feel better and by 5pm they were back to normal.

A gringo still in the US was asking about banking on Expat Exchange so I suggested he PM me his telephone number and I would call him. He did and I did at 700 617 6530. His name is Dennis, he lives in Florida, he’s 50 years old and plans to move to Medellin as soon as he sells his house. I told him about my accounts with USAA and Citibank, about my using MagicJack with my headphones and my shipping service Envios Market.


The US has 33,024,648 ð 33,053,583 ð 33,076,464 coronavirus cases with 586,800+ ð 587,400+ ð 588,100+ deaths.

Per Medellin Guru, as of this afternoon Colombia has a total of 3,144,547 ð 3,161,126 ð 3,177,212 cases with 82,291 ð 82,743 ð 83,233 deaths. Medellin has 287,699 ð 288,554 ð 289,378 cases, an increase of 824 from May 19th to 20th. Envigado has a total of 23,836 cases, an increase of 50 from May 19th to 20th.

1 comment:

  1. Are you aware that if you have magic jack on your cell phone that you can use WhatsApp's app on the same cell phone and call anyone else that has WhatsApp anywhere in the world. They must have WhatsApp on their phone though. So that while magic jack only gets calls to three locations; US, Canada and I believe Mexico - WhatsApp opens the phone up to the whole world as long as you have a wifi connection.
