Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Last night I went to bed at 10pm, fell asleep quickly, got up once at 3:15, finally waking/getting up at 6:15.

My right heel was sore from all the walking I did the past 2 days so I took an Advil and it was soon feeling right again.

I took a Didi at 7:30 to Unicentro mall. My drivers spoke good English and we had an interesting conversation. At one point we were behind a truck with an extra license plate that read, “Los Angeles, California, The Golden State”. I arrived just as the mall doors were opening. Jose wanted to make an ATM withdrawal and I was going to do it after so I did it with him.

Parmessano didn’t have the right bread for French toast so I had an egg casserole again. Jose did also only he got his scrambled. I didn’t know you could do that. Next time! My check came to 35mil including a bottle of water to go.

In the food court I did something different and put my cellphone away and concentrated on the games.

I had the Black pieces and on the 19th move I remember thinking I would have a great position of I could get his knight to move. All I had to do was attack it with a pawn and I would have a winning position. I don’t know why I didn’t see that. I ended up resigning on the 27th move.

With the White pieces I made a strange 11th move with a threat he didn’t see. I sacrificed a knight but I thought he made a successful countermove. I looked one move further and saw I could win a piece. By the 17th move I was up a bishop. At that point he thought he was lost but kept on playing and he eventually resigned on the 49th move.

It was only 1:15 so I took a Didi to Viva Envigado. My driver had tattoos on both arms and hands including fingers. He had 2 rings in his nose and in his lip. He also had 2 studs in his nearest ear plus I don’t know what else hanging from it. He dropped me off at the entrance near Home Center. I had chicken teriyaki with a limonada de coco in Sarku’s for the first time in a long time

Which was 34,500 pesos including tip.

In Urbania their coffee machine was broken so I couldn’t have a latte so I ordered a tinto with cream and sugar which approximated a Café Americano.

I left about 3:30, bought a couple bags of milk in Exito before returning to the apt.

I watched some NFL Network on Medellin TV.

Teresa returned at 7;15 with chuzos from La Casita Parilla. 😊



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