Sunday, April 3, 2016

Saturday, April 2nd, 2016

26 days and counting!

The MBE website shows my lantern (and wicks) are “In Transit” so I guess they are on their way now to Bogota.

We were going to stay at the finca today and relax and go to Santafe tomorrow for some sun.  Then Teresa decided she wanted to go to Home Center to pick up some things.  Then she decided she wanted to go to the new Makro and see what it looked like.  I asked her if it has an ATM machine and since she didn’t know she asked me to post the question on Expat Exchange.  I did but while waiting for an answer she decided we would go to Vicky’s house to give her the 1 million pesos she wants to borrow for the month.  She tried calling her but no answer.  She tried calling Alvero but no answer.  She tried calling her daughter Daniella but no answer.  Finally I googled Makro in Medellin and got the San Juan (Calle 44) store and she called them and found that they do have an ATM machine.  Then Teresa starts giving me a hard time because “every place has an ATM machine”.  Then why did you insist on my asking Expat Exchange?  I finally got an answer from Expat Exchange but they mentioned an ATM machine I’ve never used before so who knows.

I downloaded more oldies on iTunes.  I haven’t been charged for them yet so I’m guessing I had $$$ remaining on an old gift card that they’re using.

We left the finca at 1:45 and I gave the black dog a dog biscuit.  On the way down the sideroad there were 4 men cutting felled trees into fence posts using a chain saw.  We only had to wait 5 minutes for a bus.

We got off at the Poblado station, we walked up to Calle 10, crossed the bridge and right there was Makro (just as I saw last night).  One nice thing is its right on the road that buses take from Terminal Sur to get to the highway.

Inside it seemed like it was an Exito warehouse.  We walked around and Teresa picked up some gloves, laundry detergent and a few other things.  When she had everything she asked where we can find a restaurant.  It was 3pm and we were told there isn’t one.  

We left everything in our cart near the exit, walked outside and after a 5 minute wait we caught a taxi that took us to Frisby on Calle 10.  Teresa had a Frischuleta and mango juice and I had a FriSnack and we both shared a chicken vegetable soup.  They also put a sleeve of Cinnabon cinnamon rolls on our tray along with a separate receipt for them.  We didn’t say anything and after we finished the rest of our food we shared them.  Teresa loved them and of course I told her that the company is from the US.  Teresa told me today is a “Day without cars”.  The streets were less busy than usual, there were few cars bust still taxis and buses.

We walked 6 blocks up to Vizcaya where we walked around the mall.  They worked about 2 years refurbishing this mall and it still seems to be dead.  They need an anchor store the best they have is a fitness club and the movie theatre.

We walked down to Parque Poblado and Teresa window shopped a few tents set up selling souvenir like stuff.  On our way down the hill I stopped at the bakery and picked up one of the sugar donuts with arequipe inside that I liked.  (Because it was another overcast day I didn’t mind walking more than usual.)  We walked back to Makro, found our cart still with a few things inside, picked up a few more things, I noticed a BanColombia ATM inside and quickly found a Rapido Ochoa van outside.

We could see that the highway had gotten rain in places.

On our way down the sideroad I gave the black dog a half piece of dog biscuit I had found in my fanny pack.  We got back to the finca at 6:15, I put Luna and Peluche in the doghouse.

It started raining 15 minutes later and it lasted for about an hour.

Oops, well I received an email from Apple with a receipt for a $26.67 charge for iTunes songs.  Maybe they only bill at the end of the month?

The news just predicted that the 1st to 15th of April we will have intense rain due to El Niño.

It started raining again and Teresa said it might last all night.

I understand Teresa wants to go to Home Center tomorrow but she wants to leave and return early before the rains start.

We watched Secret in Their Eyes (6.2) on Netflix.

T-shirt of the day: Chinese zoo. Year of the rooster.

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