Sunday, December 11, 2022

Saturday, December 10, 2022

Last night I went to bed at 10pm, got up twice during the night, finally waking/getting up at 7am.

Wilson came over and took our old juicer and a few other things.

I left the apt at 9:30 and walked to Parva where I had a café con leche for a couple hours. I wanted to start my Woodpecker Tactics again but forgot to bring a pencil and eraser so I just went through a couple old American Chess magazines I brought with me. A couple came in with a baby that couldn’t have been more than a couple days old. I left at 11:15 and bought a bag of sugar on my way back to the apt.

I’ve received several emails like this supposedly from Paypal but I assume it’s a scam. Opinions, anyone?

We just spent 30 minutes playing Teresa’s favorite game, “where’s my cellphone?” which is much more challenging when she has the volume all the way down. 😊 She finally found she had left it charging under a pair of pants.

Next door they are putting up the scaffolding again in the same location.

I left at 3:15 and walked to Eduardo Madrid where I studied tactics for an hour while drinking a latte. I left at 5pm and returned to the apt.

I watched the movie Draft Day (6.8), not for the first time, on MTV. Spoiler Alert: Yes, it was ridiculous for the Seattle Seahawks to trade 3 1st round picks and a player for the 6th pick in the draft.

I tried watching another episode of The Looming Tower but got too much buffering.

I love my new JBL wireless headphones and they can be recharged for 2 hours+ in just 5 minutes.

When Teresa returned she told me her friend Vickie just got the results of an endoscopy/ colonoscopy and she may have Metaplasia Intestinal and something about Salmonela. They are going to a special mass tomorrow in San Peregrino (sp?).

Today I got in only 2,984 steps.


Fun pix


  1. Hi! I haven't read your blog for a long time. Last time MT was having surgery, her daughter was doing an au-pair job in the USA. What's new? I managed to read all December entries, but I don't think I can go back long to catch up! How is your brother, son, prostate, finca? Take care and Happy New Year!
