Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Tuesday, October 14th, 2014

I got up once during the night, again at 6:30am, woke up at 8:30 and got up at 9:30.
Teresa made a little breakfast of an arepa with calentao (frijoles & rice) and hot chocolate.

We hope to hear from Une today regarding a Wi-Fi connection but after lunch we plan to go into Caldas to buy a large bag of dog food so we don’t have to worry about replenishing it every 2-3 days.

I had a minor problem with my computer setup.  The table cloth covering my chess table wasn’t completely flat so the fan under my laptop would scrape it slightly making a little noise.  I was thinking of buying a small piece of plastic to put under it but when I explained my problem to Teresa she put a shawl over the tablecloth which fixed the problem.

At 1pm I had lunch of homemade chicken vegetable soup, rice, a slice of avocado and a glass of milk.  I put the rice into the soup a spoonful at a time making chicken rice soup.

About 1:30 Teresa finally reached Une and I understand they are working on the box down by the street and we should get 5mg Wi-Fi on Friday.  

She looked outside and said something about rain and as soon as I said “what rain” I heard thunder.  I went outside with her and first she shut Luna in the shed (she’s afraid of thunder) and then I helped her take most of the laundry off the clothesline.  I’ll bet that’s something you haven’t done in a while!

We took a nap from 2:30 to 3:30 until the thunderstorm passed then we made popcorn and watched a couple episodes of CSI.  The rain finally stopped about 4pm.

Teresa told me we’ll go to Caldas early tomorrow and buy dog food.

Laura came home at 5:45pm and we watched more episodes of CSI.

Teresa tells me that when she calls Laura in class and later when Laura calls her back she doesn’t hear it because the ringer on her phone doesn’t work.  So we will be going to Mayorca soon to buy her a new, but not expensive, cell phone.  Laura took the Movistar Sim card out of Teresa’s cell phone and put it in my phone.

I had a sandwich and glass of milk for a late dinner and then we watched Seth Rogan and Barbara Streisand in The Guilt Trip.

We went to bed at 10pm.

T-shirt of the day: Design is everything.

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