Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Last night I went to bed at 10:30pm, woke up at 5:30 and got up at 6am.

Jim and I walked to downtown Envigado where we each bought a small orange juice for 2mil.  Next door we bought special arepas from Las Chachas for another 2 mil.  We sat down in the shade of the Exito store to eat them.  As we were finishing Charles Turner showed up and we chatted a bit.  We went to Bartolos where Jim had coffee and I had a bottle of water.

Nigel came by with his friend Johann and said hello.

After discussing our options for the day we finally decided to go to a small pueblo named Barbosa.  On the way to the bus stop we ran into John sitting outside the corner bakery and we chatted a bit.  We took a bus to the metro and on the ride we saw a man with a tiny kitten in his lap.  We got off at the end of the line at Niquia (sp?). 
Outside we quickly caught a bus to Barbosa for only 4mil.  On the way the bus was in the Quick Pass lane at the toll booth but the car in front of us obviously didn’t have his pass and the bus had to back up so he could move to the next lane.

From the metro station it was a 40 minute ride and I napped for about 20 minutes of that.  Barbosa is just a small town with nothing special that we could see.  (Supposedly there is a waterfall nearby but we didn’t stay long enough to search for it.)  We asked for a recommendation for lunch and were sent to Central Park Restaurant where Jim had fish and I ordered meat lasagna.  I thought it would be the usual ground beef but it was shredded beef between two slices of pasta and as usual was too tough to chew.  
After lunch we took a bus back to the metro and got off at the Poblado station.  We took a taxi to Envios Market where I picked up my February Reader’s Digest, a 1099R, and another Capital One credit card offer which I threw away.

We walked to my favorite ATM where I withdrew some 20s and we walked across the street to Clinica de Medellin where I picked up my blood test results.  We walked up Calle 7 to Bogota Beer Company where Jim had a couple beers and I a lemonade.  (I reviewd my test results and everything appears to be good.)  We took a taxi back to the apt arriving at 7pm.

12,079 steps today.

Joke of the day
A guy nervously approaches the counter at the local drugstore.
“Excuse me, ma’am,” he stammers.  “May I speak to the pharmacist?”
“I’m the pharmacist,” the woman says.  “It’s just my sister and me here.  What can I do for you?”
“Ah, well, it’s rather embarrassing.”
“Young man, we’ve heard everything,” she assures him.  “Don’t be nervous.”
“Well, I’ve had this erection for days, and I can’t get rid of it.  What can you give me for it?”
“Wait here.  I’ll be right back,” she says, walking into the office.
A few minutes later, she stepped back to the counter.
“My sister and I can give you $20,000 cash and 10 percent of the business.”

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