Saturday, January 6, 2018

Friday, January 5, 2018

I slept fairly well last night.

I watched the first 30 minutes of the Today show and then headed to the gym.  On the way I realized I had forgotten to bring 1mil to buy Chuck’s newspaper.  At the gym I did all my exercises in an hour and 20 minutes.

I forgot to mention this last Wednesday but I decided to skip the treadmill and instead tried to figure out how to use a Matrix brand electronic exercise cycle.

When I got back to the apt I found we have no internet.

Laura has a cold again.  I hope she doesn’t give it to everyone else.  It certainly wouldn’t be a good thing to be an au pair that is often coming down with a cold.

I received an email from MBE that they have a letter for me.  I imagine it’s just garbage since everything important should have had its address changed to Envios Market.  I’ll check it out early next week.

In the afternoon I went out and paid the Direct TV bill and stopped at Todo Drogas to buy my medicine for the month.  I tried to find a Q’Hubo newspaper for Chuck but maybe they stop selling them in the afternoon.

We were planning on going to Mu but a few things interrupted that plan: 1) we had some rain that caused traffic to back up; 2) MT went to the doctor and had some type of device attached to her to monitor her heart; 2) Laura was still feeling too bad from her cold to leave the apartment.  Plan B was to order food and then I would go pick it up.  Luckily, I waited for Teresa to place the order before I left.  No one seemed to be answering their phones.  After 30 minutes of trying finally someone answered and we learned they are closed for the holidays – until January 15th.

We ended up ordering take-out chicken shish kebab from La Casita down the block.

We all watched a DVD - Wind River (7.8) – that I bought a week or two ago.  We all liked it.

About 9pm Laura informed me that we had internet back.

Among new US movie releases there isn’t anything I want to see.
Locally, I would like to see Blind (5.5) playing at 1:40 and 3:40 at Oviedo.

T-shirt of the day: Ready for anything.


  1. Hi Terry,
    I just moved to Cali and I am currently using US global mail to receive my mail from the states as we do not have MBE here yet. But I must have missed the day you explained about Envios Market. Could you catch me up? Forwarding anything through my current service is REALLY expensive. Thanks in advance for your patience and assistance.

  2. My mailing service used to me MBE. Everything I ordered was sent to Miami and then forwarded on to Medellin. In September they changed the service to Envios Market - same location, same ladies, a few pesos less expensive but now everything is sent to Weston, Florida and then on to Medellin. There is a second MBE office nearby but it's about a mile further away and they don't speak English there. Let me know if you have any additional questions. I'll send another message with my email address (not sure if it will be censored).
