Saturday, May 25, 2024

Friday, May 24, 2024

Last night I went to bed at 10pm, got up once during the night?, again at 5:30, finally waking/getting up at 7am.

Teresa left just before 8am for her Smartfit cass in Viva Envigado.

I eft the apt at 9am and took a Didi to the mall. I recycled a pill bottle then took a seat in Urbania. Teresa joined me about 10:30, I paid my bill and we went into Home Center. She said she was hungry so we stopped at a store where she bought a few things that looked a little like Dunkin munchkins. We sat at a little counter with 2 seats. When she finished we went to the housewares section where she picked out a new frying pan. I took a seat at a desk they were selling while she picked out a couple more things. We went to the cashier and I paid for our three items with my debit card. The cashier asked if we wanted to buy one of their reusable bags to carry everything and that’s when I realized I didn’t have my tech bag with me. I finally figured out I left it hanging from my chair at the counter. After running around a little bit asking multiple employees, we eventually went downstairs where we found it with a security guard. We put everything into a plastic bag I usually carry with me and we left the mall.

We went across the street to La Bahia where we had their menu of the day for 17mil each. Outside we quickly caught a taxi back to our apt.

I left at 1:30 and walked to Otra Parte where I ordered a latte from a barista I hadn’t seen before. It was awful and I was getting warm even though I was under an umbrella so I went inside and up to the 4th floor and took a seat in the cooler library.

I noticed they were featuring a book on cicadas:

While there (4th floor) I noticed at the level below me (3rd floor) a father teaching his daughter how to play chess.

Teresa called and asked me to pick up gelato so about 3:30 I walked to Antonio’s where I bought a half liter of coconut gelato before returning to the apt.

We received part of my Amazon order which included a new shaver for me and a body lotion refill for Teresa. There’s one item missing from our order which I assume will arrive separately.

I watched another episode of The Good Fight on Medellin TV.

Supper was just an arepa con chocolo with cheese on top.




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