Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Monday, May 27, 2024

Last night I went to bed at 10pm, got up once at 1:30, again at 5am, finally waking/getting up at 6:15. Teresa got up at 6:45, I don’t usually get up before her.

I left the apt at 9am and on the sidewalk just passed Tienda D1 I encountered a woman carrying a branch. She said something to me but I didn’t understand a word so I said, “lo siento, no hablo mucho español” and continued on my way. At Los Porteños I encountered a springer spaniel that followed me to my table. (I think he could smell the dog biscuit in my pocket.) I asked permission to give it to their dog and when they approved I did. The couple, apparently medical professionals here, spoke some English. A few more times the man gave me treats to give to the dog. Just before they left he gave me another treat for the dog and it was right in front of me, expectant. I said, “sit” then “paw” and he sat and offered me his paw (muddy) before I could even finish the words. 😊

I completed a few more pages of chess exercises, passing the 10% mark.

I left at 11:15, and in front of Tienda D1 I saw the branch sticking out of the hole in the sidewalk. I stopped to buy some laundry products in Ara and returned to the apt.

Well, this doesn’t look very encouraging:

At 12:30 we had a downpour but it only lasted about 5 minutes.

I left the apt at 2:30 and stopped at the Bancolombia window to pay the Tigo/Une bill but she said she couldn’t do it for some reason. I continued on to Eduardo Madrid where I had a latte while solving a couple more pages of chess puzzles. At 3:40 I thought it felt like rain and sure enough 5 minutes later it’s raining. There was a break in the rain but I hesitated and when I finally decided to leave it was raining lightly so I put up my portable umbrella. I stopped in Ara and waited about 10 minutes in line to pay for 2 bags of milk before returning to the apt.

ONEIPAMETATO1453 resigned our game increasing my rating to 1584.

I watched more episodes of The Good Fight.



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