Monday, May 27, 2024

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Last night I went to bed at 10pm, got up once at 12:30, again at 5am, finally waking/getting up at 6:45. Well, in total it’s almost 9 hours.

We left the apt at 8:40 and walked to Sao Paulo where we found DoSabores not yet open. We had breakfast in Olivenza and Teresa was happy with her avocado toast and I with my calentao with scrambled eggs. Add a couple lattes and the total came to 85,222 pesos. I’m not sure she’s going to want to do this again any time soon because she usually wants to eat earlier.

We walked back to the apt and soon left again and took a Didi to Mayorca mall. Medipiel was having a sale so I bought another container of my Cetaphil Urea 20% skin cream 20% off and Teresa bought some cream at 30% off for a total of 166,350 pesos ($43.50).

She shopped for t-shirts in a couple more stores then we went down to Exito where she bought chicken breasts and some veggies and we returned to the apt by taxi.

The portero handed us our last Amazon package. I opened it and was a little shocked how heavy the food Thermos was.

Teresa is going to use it to take food on her day trips to San Peregrino.

Just before 4pm a downpour started but it only lasted about an hour.

I watched a couple more episodes of The Good Fight.

I’m winning my lastest game vs ONEIPAMETATO1453 and Troyclough hasn’t moved for the past couple days so the system automatically puts him “on vacation”.

In the evening I watched an interesting talk show on MSNBC with Chris Hayes & Rachel Maddow.



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