Thursday, May 30, 2024

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Last night I went to bed at 10pm, got up once at 1:15, again at 4:45, finally waking/getting up at 6:30.

A light drizzle started right at 8am; The Weather Channel predicted it would start at 8:30 and I was hoping to escape the apt before it started.

I left the apt at 8:45 with just enough dripping that I had to put up my umbrella. I stopped at the Bancolombia window where I printed yesterdays’ chess game analysis, for the first time back-to-back, for 1,200 pesos (30 cents).  The rain stopped by the time I arrived at Parva where I had a cafĂ© con leche and solved another couple pages of chess puzzles.

When I left at 11:30 I noticed a young man carrying a football walking down Calle 31. I watched him as he walked past Eduardo Madrid, heading down towards Ave Las Vegas. I returned to the apt.

Teresa has some test results in Cedimed so she gave me the list of instructions so I could download and print them. The system said her userid or password were invalid so we’ll have to make a trip there this afternoon.

About 2:30 she says she’ll give me her cedula and asked if I can pick up her test results. First, I asked if she’s sure the results are ready. She said her test was a week ago so they should be ready. I told her if there’s no problem, no problem, but if they try to explain something about why they aren’t available I won’t understand. Eventually, she mentioned she has a 5pm doctor’s appointment tomorrow so we’ll stop and pick up these results on the way.

Last week I did some curls with my 7# dumbbell and this week, Monday and today, I added some shoulder extensions and raises. I feel a little stiffness in my neck as a result but if it doesn’t get any worse I’ll probably return to the gym on Monday.

I watched more episodes of The Good Fight.

Well, well, well, somebody’s welding a plate over that hole that had the branch in it.



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