Sunday, May 19, 2024

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Last night I went to bed at 9:30, got up once at 3:45, fell back asleep, finally waking/getting up at 6:30am.

Teresa already left for her 6:40am blood draw. If I understand correctly, they didn’t test for everything last time so she has to have another blood draw and doesn’t know what time she’ll return.

No hot water for my shower, (yesterday it took 3-4 tries to get the hot water to come on) guess it’s time to change the battery.

Teresa returned at 7:15 and made me breakfast.

I left the apt at 8:30 and walked to the mall. I recycled two plastic bottles, made an ATM withdrawal, paid the epm utility bill of 380,284 pesos ($98), and checked out the bagels in Al Alma. They only had one package and they were plain and didn’t look proper for halving. I went to Urbania and took a seat (only one other customer there at the time). Nadia came in with her significant other (boyfriend? Husband?) and they took a seat and had coffee.

I left at 11am, walked past Al Alma (the bagel situation didn’t look to have changed), and walked back towards the apt. I went up the road before calle 30 and just before Eduardo Madrid I saw a gate opening. An SUV came out and stopped in front of me and the driver said, “bonito, cierto?”. I was too tired to answer but I did nod my head in agreement. I think it’s a finca (probably the last so close to an urban area) and I have heard roosters crowing from inside.

I went into the bakery but they didn’t have any bagels for sale. I cut through the parking lot and returned to the apt.

Teresa informed me that Wilson is making arepas de chocolo so we might go there late in the afternoon for some.

I left the apt at 2:15 and walked to Eduardo Madrid. Still no sesame seed bagels. I ordered a latte and asked about sesame seed bagels and was told they don’t have any. I ordered 6 to be made for pick up on Monday. Teresa called and asked me to pick up coconut gelato. I left at 4pm, paid 8,200 pesos for my latte, and walked the two blocks to Antionio’s. I got in a line to pay then a line to pick up my half liter of coconut gelato. I walked back to the apt and Teresa attacked the gelato right away.

I changed the battery for the on-demand hot water heater but it still doesn’t work. There’s relighting instruction on the heater but they’re so faded I can’t read them.

I watched a couple more episodes of The Good Fight then I watched some MSNBC news coverage of the trial before going to bed.



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