Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

 Last night I went to bed at 9:45pm, fell asleep quickly, got up twice during the night, final waking/getting up by alarm at 6:30. I have a slight headache so I took half an Excedrin Migraine before breakfast.

I took an Uber to Unicentro mall and my driver spoke English so we had a nice conversation on the way. I arrived about 10 minutes late due to heavy traffic. Jose was waiting for me at my usual entrance but this driver took the long way around and I used a different entrance.

I had the French toast with strawberries again in Parmessano.

We moved to the food court and today we tried something different. We first used my computer analysis to analysis our games from last week.

I had the Black pieces in the first game and I got in time trouble and blundered on my 41st move and resigned.

With the White pieces I made the winning 28th move, a move I thought was obvious, but he said he hadn’t considered it and he resigned 14 moves later.

I like playing him because he always tries to find new openings and we play so close to equal.

It was 3pm so I said goodbye and went outside and found an $efecty store between the San Joquin entrance and the Conquistadores entrance and across the street. I paid the Direct TV bill and ordered an Uber to take me in heavy traffic to Viva Envigado.

I had the granola with yogurt and chia berries again and a small latte in Pergamino. Teresa called and reminded me to pick up cotton for her in Exito. I bought it and returned to the apt by taxi.

I watched some IPTV, switching between news stations and the NFL Network.

About 9pm it had a shower for about 30 minutes.

Just as I was going to bed I noticed a motorcycle with two policemen drive up at the apartment complex across the street.



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