Friday, May 31, 2024

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Last night I went to bed at 10pm, got up once at 4:15, finally waking/getting up at 6:15.

This is what the metal plate in the sidewalk looks like from my bedroom window; you’ll have to zoom in a to see it.

I had a latte in Los Porteños for a couple hours. Marcos is back and we made plans to meet for coffee tomorrow at 9am. I left at 11:30 and met Teresa outside Ara on her way to her nail appointment.

I left the apt at 12:55 and experienced a few raindrops as I was crossing Calle 30. I took a seat at Asados Rogelio and Teresa joined me a few minutes later. It was soon pouring but it only lasted 20 minutes. A few minutes later is started up again. We had the usual Colombian lunch for 57,250 pesos.

She showed me her acrylic nails that cost her 45mil

and Laura said hers cost $55 in Boston.

Just after 2pm the rain let up so we quickly returned to the apt.

We left the apt at 3:30 and took a Didi to Clinica Medellin on calle 7 in Poblado. Teresa went in to check but as I expected we had to go across the street to Cedimed to pick up her test results. Five minutes later we cross the street again and caught a taxi. Teresa gets in and says, “Avenida ochenta” and I said, “Belen” and she gave me a dirty look. I soon figured out she wanted to go to the eps on calle 50 (and Avenida setenta) near the stadium not the eps on Avenida ochenta in Belen.

We were in the taxi on calle 50 just blocks from eps when my son texted me that Donald Trump, the 45th president of the US had been convicted on all 34 counts of falsifying business records to cover up his payments to porn star Stormy Daniels for their affair from becoming public before the 2016 election. (He suspected, probably correctly, that if that had come to light so soon after the Access Hollywood debacle, “you can grab them by the pussy, they let you do it, he probably would have lost.

We arrived 20 minutes before her 5pm appointment. She checked in at the first station then told me I could go across the street to the café for coffee. I just arrived and hadn’t taken a seat when she called me and asked me to come back. She was waiting in line at the second station where I had to pay 4,500 for her consultation. I returned to the café, took a seat and ordered a café con leche and churro from a waitress with an electric tablet. After I finished my little café con leche and churro (sugar donut) and waited a little longer I went to the cashier, gave him my table number and paid 2,700 pesos (70 cents). I had just sat down again when Teresa called me to meet outside the clinic. We walked across the street and caught a taxi as a girl arrived at her destination and got out. It was about 5:30 and in heavy traffic we returned to Envigado at 7pm in a light rain.

Teresa was hungry so she suggested we get out at McDonald’s. Fine with me. She then suggested

And I countered with Chiclayo but we ended up at Olivia’s where she had salmon and I Fettuccine con albondigas and we shared a bottle of water for 106,476 pesos ($28). The rain had finally stopped by the time we walked back to the apt.

I see my pension deposits in my bank account. 😊

I started watching CNN about the trial result then switched to MSNBC and didn’t get to bed until midnight.



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