Saturday, June 1, 2024

Friday, May 31, 2024

Last night I went to bed at midnight, got up once at 5am, finally waking/getting up at 7am.

The Chicago Bears training camp will be featured on HBO’s show Hard Knocks this year starting late august.

I left the apt at 8:30 and stopped at the $efecty booth but if I understood the lady I can’t pay Direct TV here any longer; she suggested someplace in MetroSur mall. I joined Marcos in Tostao for coffee. He handed me 2 of the nut bars from Madrid that Teresa loves and I paid him $20 + 2euros. We spent most of the time discussing the fact that Trump has been found guilty on all 34 charges. I asked him for advice on setting up a will and he said he would give me contact information for his lawyer. He’s thinking seriously of moving to Malaga, Spain with his girlfriend. (Later I googled Malaga for weather and it gets cold there in the winter.) He left at 10am and I walked across the street and quickly caught an Envigado bus to Viva Envigado. I recycled a glass bottle then went to the ATM outside Exito. Unfortunately, it wasn’t working so I went upstairs in the main part of the mall. I withdrew 2 million pesos (a mix of 50s, 20s, and 10s) and went directly into the bank, luckily no line, and paid the rent for June. I went to Bancolombia and waited in a short line to pay for my health insurance and our gym membership. Downstairs I had a latte in Urbania while checking out my phone. Jerry came by and took a seat and we had a nice discussion about whether Trump gets prison time or not.

I left about 1pm, made another 2-million withdrawal, this time all 100s and walked across the street to another $efecty desk where I paid the Direct TV bill of 175,700 pesos ($45.50). I ordered a Didi to take me to Poblado. I got out at Hija Mia and walked across the street to Philly Steaks. As I stepped inside the tent, Chris Cajoleas said, “hi, Terry”. He was sitting across from another gringo and they were both smoking cigars. He recommended I take a table far away to avoid the cigar smoke but I took the next table (mistake) and ordered a smash burger, fries and a Coke.

Very tasty! The bill came to 52mil ($14) with tip.

I ordered another Didi which dropped me off at Pasteur pharmacy in La Buena Mesa. I walked to the other side of the block to Parva where I had a café con leche.

We had some rain on and off over 30 minutes but then it cleared.

I left about 3:30 and returned to the apt. Teresa returned about 4pm and I gifted her one of the two peanut bars; the other is hidden in my closet.

Teresa complained that something she put in the fridge had frozen (that’s happened to me) so I raised the temp from 6 degrees C to 7 degrees C (which is the maximum).

I finished reading Lee Child’s Die Trying on my Kindle.



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