Saturday, June 15, 2024

Friday, June 14, 2024

Last night I went to bed at 10pm, got up once at 3:30, finally waking/getting up at 6:30.

Teresa left at 8am for the gym and I left soon after for the mall. I printed the last chess analysis page in Auros (1 page cost me more than 2 pages at the Bancolombia window), deposited 200mil in Laura’s bank account for Smartfit, then tried to make an ATM withdrawal but the machine wasn’t working. I went upstairs in the main area of the mall and made a withdrawal and this time got lucky and got some small bills 10s, 20s, and 50s along with a few 100s.

I went down to Urbania and had a latte while completing a couple more pages of chess puzzles. I left at 10:45, bought some apples and 2 bags of milk in Exito before returning to the apt. I felt a few sprinkles as I walked into the garage.

Teresa returned at 11:30 and asked if I paid the Smartfit bill. I told her I put the receipt on the table. She said it isn’t there. I looked and it wasn’t there. Am I going crazy? I looked to see if it fell on the floor and checked other locations to see if I had not put it on the table. Finally, Teresa found it; she had put the package of chicken she just bought on top of it and it was stuck to the package.

Last week when we were in Pricesmart we bought a 4-pack of pasta but Teresa was disappointed to find out it was Angel hair pasta but after trying it she found it was delicious and now prefers it.

Anna Cramling, playing in the 8th round of the Madrid tournament, drew against a young man with a 1992 rating.

I left the apt at 1:30 and had a latte in Eduardo Madrid while solving more chess puzzles; I’m now 15% of the way through the book. Mr_Blamo finally resigned our game increasing my rating 1 point to 1589. I left at 5pm and picked up my package in the porteria on my way back to the apt. It contained 2 chess books (don’t remember ordering one of them 😊), a New in Chess magazine, April’s Chess Life magazine and an envelope from one of my pensions that contained government required notifications but contained instructions on how I can have them sent by email instead of paper. 😊 I logged in and see I’ve already set it to email delivery so hopefully I won’t have to pay to receive these in the future.

I gave Teresa the Bisquick recipe for blueberry muffins but she doesn’t want to make them because she’s afraid they contain too much fat. Now she wants to make oatmeal cookies again but continues to want to make substitutions to the recipe.

The portero dropped off our epm bill of 447,000 pesos.

About 9pm the rain started and got very heavy with occasional thunder by the time I went to bed at 10pm.



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