Friday, June 21, 2024

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Last night I went to bed at 10pm, got up once at 5:30, finally waking/getting up at 7am.

I left the apt at 8:30 and stopped in Ara and bought something Teresa requested.

I stopped at that Bancolombia window to print our weekly chess games. I also tried to pay for Tigo/Une but was told I have to go to Gana. I continued on to Parva where I had a café con leche. Marcos arrived about 9:15 and we talked movies and politics and he asked me some questions about our cruise from Greece to Turkey. It sounds like he wants to visit Istanbul and Israel next trip to Europe.

He left at 10am and I stayed and completed a couple more pages of chess puzzles.

At one point I made a trip to the restroom and 3 ladies sitting at a nearby table gave me the side eye. The first restroom (the men’s) was closed so I took the second. When I flushed the toilet, it was obviously already blocked and the water rose to the top of the bowl. There was no toilet paper and I took the last paper towel. I explained all this to one of the workers before I returned to my table.

I left at 11:30 and returned to the apt.

Teressa made individual ground beef lasagnas for lunch.

Troyclough blundered and resigned on the 17th move increasing my rating to 1597, so close to 1600 again. (But the computer noted a number of poor moves I made in those 17 moves. )

I left the apt at 2pm and ordered a Didi to take me to Metrosur mall. The driver got himself trapped in the left lane and when I questioned it he thought we were going to Mayorca. He admitted it was his fault and not the system and he did a legal u-turn and dropped me off at the mall. On the way to the Gana kiosk I spied the $efecty booth in a hardware store. I recall using them before. I handed her my cellphone and paid the bill and she set the phone down instead of returning it to me. Both I and another girl sitting beside her said the same thing, “you’ve got to keep your eye on her”. 😊

I went across the street to the mall and recycled a few items then went to Urbania for coffee. I started reading the New in Chess magazine I received last week and about 9 pages in I realized that the magazine was from 2021.

Where has it been the past 3 years?

I left at 4pm and decided to cut though the parking garage to Exito. The entrance between the mall proper and the parking is now closed about 2/3 by drywall. Part of the garage is also drywalled, looking like iShop will be much larger when the reopen.

I bought a few things in Exito before returning to the apt by taxi.

I started watching the TV series 24 (8.4) starring Keifer Sutherland (his father Donald died today) on Medellin TV.



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