Thursday, June 27, 2024

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Last night I went to bed at 10pm, got up once at 3 am, finally waking/getting up at 6:30.

The plan for today is Teresa has a 9:15 exercise class in Mayorca, then has to find lunch somewhere before her 1-4pm art class in Envigado so I’ll be on my own for lunch.

I have some items to recycle so I’m thinking lunch in Sarku’s then coffee in Urbania.

I left the apt at 8:15 and completed my workout in Smartfit. As I was approaching Los Porteños a couple with a large German shepherd were taking one of the last two outside tables. After a quick trip to the restroom, I asked, in Spanish of course, if the table next to them was available. The guy said, “go ahead” in perfect English. His name is Will, his daughter is Sarah and the dog is a docile Belgian Malinois named Mako (like the shark). They live a couple blocks north and he learned English by watching Youtube videos. 😊 We had a nice conversation and when they left he paid the waitress for my latte.

I drew my game vs ONEIPAMETATO 1453 because I messed up the ending, dropping my rating to 1588. Every move is important.

I left at 11am and returned to the apt. I showered and dressed and left at 12:45 and took a Didi to the mall. I recycled a few plastic bottles then went up to the 3rd floor where I had lunch at Sarku’s, my usual teriyaki chicken with a limonada de coco. I went down to the 1st floor to Urbania where I had a latte while solving another 3 pages of chess puzzles. I read on Facebook that one of the cable cars on the Acevedo to Santa Domingo line fell with passengers inside. No idea about injuries as yet. I left at 4pm and returned to the apt by taxi.

I watched another episode of 24 and completed another couple lessons in my new course.

Teresa returned at 5:30, excited about her new class where she’s learning to make homemade purses. She says they’re having a “faire” tomorrow where they will be displaying the things they made today.

We had rain in the evening and it was still raining when I went to bed.



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