Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Last night I went to bed at 10pm, got up once at midnight, was awakened at 5am by a bird chirping right outside my window. I got up and rapidly opened and closed my vertical blinds but that didn’t faze it. I went back to bed, it stopped its noisiness about 5:45, finally waking/getting up by alarm at 6:30.

I took an Uber to Unicentro mall and found Jose outside the San Joaquin entrance waiting for the doors to open.

First, I stopped at an ATM because I wanted some small bills but it gave me all 100s. 😒

Upstairs we had our usual breakfast, French toast for me and an egg casserole for him. We discussed the August chess tournament. I would be playing in the IRT Afficionados (fan) section and the time control is the same as Jose and I have been playing, each player gets 60 minutes for the game plus 30 seconds per move. It looks like the entrance fee will be 77mil+20mil for a total of 97mil. It’s a 9-round Swiss not a 10-round Swiss with only one game on August 7th. He’s thinking of making playing in it also but hasn’t decided yet. My meal with a latte and a bottle of water to go was 40,317 including tip.

We moved to the food court and reviewed the computer analysis from last week’s games.

I had the Black pieces in the first game and we played to a 63-move draw although he easily could have beaten me in the end.

I had the White pieces in the second game and Jose messed up the opening and I chased his king from e8 all the way to h2 trying to find the winning move. I blundered on the 33rd move and gave him a knight and I finally resigned on the 41st move.

I took a Didi directly to Eduardo Madrid for my bagel order. I had a ham sandwich with a latte and when I left the gave me the bagels in a box instead of a bag because they were still hot.

I returned to the apt.

Jimmy texted me he’s planning on coming for a visit this summer. ðŸ˜€ TBC.

Tonight, I saw 2 bats flying around 2 levels below me.




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