Friday, June 28, 2024

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Last night I went to bed at 10pm, waking/getting up at 6am. Wow, I slept through the night. Full disclosure: after a trip to the bathroom, I went back to bed but couldn’t fall asleep so I was up again by 6:15. Teresa got up at 6:30.

I heard in the cable car crash, one dead and 11 wounded. Did they over load the cable car with 12 people?

I see A Quiet Place: Day One (6.9) opens today in Viva Envigado’s Cine Colombia at 6:40pm and 9:20pm. Teresa believes opening day will be too crowded. I’m thinking I will wait until next week and hopefully they will have some afternoon showtimes.

I left the apt at 9:15 and met Marcos outside Tostao. He told me Johanna’s sister is in some government program where she will work in Chicago. He said it is only available for citizens of Venezuela, Nicaragua, and El Salvador and it should happen in the next couple months. I’m guessing it’s some type of manual labor like cleaning or babysitting. He left at 10:15 and I moved to the nicer cafĂ© where I had a latte while starting my new My System book. While there I saw Mako with another girl, maybe another daughter? There weren’t any other dogs so she’s probably not a dog walker.

I left at 11:15 and stopped in Ara to buy a few things before returning to the apt.

I saw on Facebook a couple from the US (don’t know yet what state) that want to retire in Medellin. She, Nadine, included her email address so I sent my Tips For First Time Visitors to Medellin and gave her the name of my blog.

1:30 and I was ready to go out for coffee when the skies darkened and we had a few raindrops; I decided to wait and see if it gets worse or better. It soon turned into a drizzle.

I completed another episode of 24 and another lesson in my new chess course.

At 8pm I watched the Presidential Debate on CNN and boy was that disappointing. On one hand you have the 78-year-old lying, conman, loser, felon Trump who often didn’t answer the moderator’s question but said what he wanted to say to claim his administration was perfect and his opponent would destroy America. On the other hand, you have the 81-year-old current President Biden walked onto the stage like the old man he is, who was hoarse, stuttered, repeated multiple words multiple times and was ineffectual in countering Trump’s lies. It’s a shame that these two are our only choices for President.

I watched about half an hour of CNN’s after debate analysis and they were as stunned as I was. They need to select a better candidate at the Democratic convention or it will be 4 more years of tRump.

It rained all evening and was still raining when I went to bed at 11pm.



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