Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Last night I went to bed at 10pm, got up once at 11:45pm, again at 5:45, finally waking/getting up at 6:45.

At 7am Teresa left for her Pilates class.

At 8:15 I left in shorts on a cool rain-threatening morning. At Olivenza I ordered a latte while waiting for Gleen to arrive. He complained he’s been losing all his chess games so I walked him through one giving him some guidelines and he checkmated his opponent. His rating is like 337. He demonstrated for me a game called Wordle, which was interesting as it does challenge the brain. I learned that his hernia repair was done by incision while mine was done laparoscopically. But then again, his was covered by his insurance while I paid $4,400 for mine. He told me he saw an Ikea sign in Viva Envigado’s garage. I think it’s a sign that it will be opening soon. I had the American Breakfast today but the bacon wasn't very good.

Glenn left at 10:30 and I at 11am and I stopped for 2 bags of milk at the corner grocery before returning to the apt.

Teresa called at 1pm and suggested we meet later at the new café by La Bahia where I should be able to order a sandwich. We’ll talk again in about an hour. I finally figured out the café is called Café Crear Unidos and it’s at Calle 35 Sur #47-39.

She called me at 2pm and informed me they were there having coffee and to come right away.

The Didi app couldn’t find the café nor the address so I ordered a car to take me to La Bahia. On the way I glanced at the driver’s gps and it showed us going over the bridge so I think he was headed to Sabaneta. That explains why the ride was 12,500 pesos when I was expecting a fare closer to 7,000 pesos. I got him to drive under the bridge and turn left and drop me off at La Bahia. I walked around the corner to the café.

I confirmed I had the correct address but the name was Perinto, not Crear Unidos.

They were finishing up their granola and yogurt dish so I ordered the same with a latte. There latte tasted like Parva’s café con leche, not very good.

We left about 3:30 and walked MT 2 blocks back to her apt and quickly caught a taxi back to our apt.

I’m now 13% through the new course. So far it’s pretty general (how to study) but soon it’s going to be more specific for chess.

I lost a game to Troyclough, lowering my rating to 1590. At least I know what my mistake was.

I finished reading Lee Child’s Night School on my Kindle.



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