Sunday, June 9, 2024

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Last night I went to bed at 10pm, waking/getting up at 6am. Did I sleep through the night? Did I get up to urinate but then sleep wiped out the memory? No idea.

I think I’ve finally found a plan for this game against Troyclough. They say a bad plan is better than no plan at all. We’ll see how it goes.

Teresa said she told her mother yesterday we’re moving to Malaga, Spain and she started crying; she wants to go too. I said, “well, we could rent her a bedroom”. Teresa said, “she has money”. I said, “we’re still a long way from moving to Malaga. We’re just talking.” Later Teresa said she wants to open a restaurant in Malaga and sell waffles. 😊

Teresa told me Vicky stayed in a cool village called Villa de Leyva, 2 hours by car outside Bogota. Since we’re going to be in Bogota December 13th for Teresa’s US embassy interview maybe fly to Bogota a few days earlier so we can stay there.

Teresa made a comment that the rainy season is over.

I left the apt at 8am and bought 2 bags of milk in Ara in order to have my blueberry pancakes.

I left the apt at 9am and had a café con leche in Parva while solving a few more pages of chess puzzles. I left at 11:15 and stopped at Antonio’s to buy gelato but was told I would have to wait 20 minutes for it to defrost so I just returned to the apt.

I used and my USAA card to book Hotel Egina Medellin, Estadio for 6 nights from Tuesday, August 6th thru Monday, August 12th. Breakfast is included and the total price should be $339+$64 (taxes & charges). Not cancellable. Now I have to register for the tournament. Jose live nearby, I wonder if I can convince him to play in it.

At my previous Chicago address my ex tells me I received a “Summons for Standby Jury Service”.  ðŸ˜Š I’ll ignore it, catch me if you can!

Each room in the apt (bedrooms, bathrooms, closets) has a set of keys in the doorknob. I keep hitting my hand on the keys on the master bedroom doorknob when I walk by so I removed them and attached them to the other side of the handle by a rubber band. We’ll see if Teresa ever notices.

We’re in the 30th move of my game vs Troyclough. Material is even but my position looks better so we’ll see.

I left the apt at 3pm and walked to Eduardo Madrid. I found a 6-pack of fresh sesame seed bagels so I took them to my table. I had a latte while doing a few more pages of chess puzzles. At one point one of the waitresses comes over, leans over and puts her hand on my knee (obviously we’re not in the US) and asks if I can give up my bagels for another customer. I told her I would if I could place an order to pick up on Monday. She reminded me that Monday was a holiday so I changed it to Tuesday afternoon. I can stop by after my chess games with Jose. When it came time to pay for my latter the waitress wouldn’t take my money so I left it and told her to share the 8,200 pesos as a tip.

I walked the 2 blocks to Antonio’s where I found 2 lines, one to pay

and the other to pick up your gelato.

I bought the usual ½ liter of coconut gelato and returned to the apt.

Teresa informed me she’s going to another mass again tomorrow so she borrowed my metro card and I’ll be on my own for lunch again.

For supper Teresa made pancakes topped with coconut gelato.

I watched another episode of The Good Fight. I’m nearing the end of the series and it’s getting interesting again.



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