Monday, June 10, 2024

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Last night I went to bed at 10pm, got up once at 12:15, finally waking/getting up at 6am.

Teresa is going to mass again today so I’ll be on my own for lunch.

I left the apt just after 8am and arrived at Olivenza by 8:30. I ordered a latte and Glenn arrived with Bianca 15 minutes later. He’s feeling better after his surgery but still only about 60%. He asked me what brand of eggs we eat and I told him Gallinas Feliz (Happy Chickens). He asked me to ask Teresa where to find baking soda in Exito and I promised I would. I had the calentao with scrambled eggs. He gave me 12mil and left at 10:45 and I paid 51,898 for both of us and left at 11:15.

I stopped in Ara on the way back and bought a large bag of Fab detergent before returning to the apt.

At 1:45 we had a downpour that lasted about 20 minutes.

At 2:15 I had a Didi take me to Office Burger in the La Mesa neighborhood of Envigado. I had their NY Burger with fries and a Coke for 51,789, including tip.

 While there I briefly met a couple visiting from New York. We had another brief shower, when it ended at 3:30 I took a Didi to Parva where I had a café con leche.

Troyclough resigned our game in 49 moves increasing my rating 4 points to 1599, so close!

Troyclough did not immediately request another match so maybe I’ve outplayed him and need to find another opponent.

I left at 5pm and returned to the apt.

I finished the series The Good Fight (8.3) on Medellin TV.

At 8pm I tried calling Teresa but there was no answer. At 9:15 she finally texted me she’s far away. She said she’s “in Jardin because I don’t want to come my friends come first.” I don’t remember her asking me to go to Jardin. This morning before I left for breakfast I said, “I’ll see you tonight” and her reply was, “I’ll call you”. Is she mad at me for something? Is she just taking advantage of the long weekend going to Jardin with a girlfriend? TBC.



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