Saturday, June 8, 2024

Friday, June 7, 2024

Last night I went to bed at 10pm, got up once or twice during the night, finally waking/getting up at 6am.

I’m almost out of Badia tea so I texted Marcos and asked him if he wants to go with me to Mayorista next Thursday morning. (Usually he buys fish.)

Troyclough is now on “Vacation” mode. When I looked again a few minutes later it had changed to “9 weeks”.

Teresa left at 8am and I left a few minutes after. I completed my workout (10# lighter) including 5 minutes on the treadmill. I do have a poking feeling in my abdomen, probably my prostatectomy site complaining about the exercise.

Btw, per Google, the little plastic tip at the end of a shoelace (probably the same for my gym shorts) is called an aglet.

I was sitting in Los Porteños having a latte by 9am. At one point their internet didn’t appear to be working so I had to turn off Wi-Fi and use my Claro plan. I left at 10:30 and returned to the apt.

Well, that was a surprise. Troyclough is back with his next move but ONEIPAMETATO1453 timed out in our game increasing my rating to 1595. He didn’t immediately challenge me to another game so I may be looking for a new 2nd opponent.

Teresa called at 11:10 and asked me to put the chicken back in the freezer and meet her with her mother for lunch at 12:30 in La Bahia.

I found Anna Cramling again on, her mother Pia is playing in the Norway Chess tournament. Not sure if this is a replay because I thought the tournament was over.

At 12:20 I changed clothes, ordered a Didi which dropped me off at La Bahia exactly at 12:30. There was a line but I went to the front to look inside to be sure they weren’t already there. They weren’t. About 10 minutes later I was at the head of the line so I called Teresa and told her there was a line but I was next. She said they would be right there. A group of 3 right in front of me left so I took their table. Teresa and MT arrived 5 minutes later. Service was very slow (we never got our juices) and lunch must have taken an hour. I paid the bill then Teresa guided us around the corner to a new café:

I had a latte with a small cinnamon roll. Later Teresa ordered a waffle that she shared with her mother.

We finally left about 5pm, walked MT a couple blocks to the entrance to her complex and Teresa and I returned to the apt by taxi. When we got out of the taxi Teresa told me the driver told her a couple months ago a boy murdered his parents in the complex across the street.

About 7:15 I decided to have a bowl of cereal for supper but remembered we didn’t have milk. I looked out the bedroom window and Ara’s parking lot was filled with more illegal cars parked on the street so instead I had an apple with peanut butter. I’ll have to pick up milk tomorrow when they open at 8am so I can have my blueberry pancakes.

I happened to look out the bedroom window just in time to see the bat land in the tree in front of us and stayed there for some time so I guess it found something to eat.

I have a really positional game going on against Troyclough with only 1 pawn traded thus far. Something’s got to break soon.

In the evening, I watched, on and off, a chess game a young lady was playing in a Carolina (North? South?) tournament against some hooded guy. She was winning but got into time trouble and it ended up a draw by repetition.



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