Thursday, June 20, 2024

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Last night I went to bed at 10pm, got up once during the night, again at 6am, finally waking/getting up at 7am.

Teresa needs to buy some yarn/string in Sabaneta for something she’s crocheting. First, she’s going to a gym class in Mayorca. The plan is I’ll order a car, pick her up at Mayorca’s main entrance at 12:30, then we’ll go on to Sabaneta and have lunch (fish & chips) in Big Boy, then she can buy her thread.

I left the apt at 8:15 and walked to Smartfit. (I bring my thermos with ice and fill it up with water when I arrive at the gym.) Today the water fountain was out of order and I had to go up to the 3rd floor to fill it. (I think they may have done that on purpose to force us into having more exercise.) I completed my workout by 9:15 and moved to Los Porteños where I had a latte. I left at 11am and stopped in Ara where I bought some apples and a bag of sugar before returning to the apt.

At 12:20 I ordered a Didi to take me to Mayorca where we picked up Teresa and went on to Big Boy in Sabaneta.

Here, I don’t think Teresa realized I was filming. 😊

We shared an order of fish & chips and we each had a Coke.

Today I ate 3 pieces of fish (too many) and some fries; the check came to 55mil, including tip.

There were still lots of fries left so I got the rest to go.

We walked 5 blocks to a store that sold thread or whatever you call it that you macrame with. Teresa found out there’s a store in Envigado and the address is on her bag. 

She found they have Friday classes from 1-4pm.

I ordered a Didi to return us to our apt. The elevator was under maintenance so we had to walk up 4 flights of stairs.

I left at 2:30 and had a latte in the Otra Parte cafe. At 4pm it started sprinkling so I quickly left and returned to the apt, the elevator was still out of order so I had to take the stairs up to the 4th floor.  Soon it was pouring.

The Tigo/Une bill arrived today:

That should be my last bill for this month.

I noticed on Facebook that Anna Cramling received an award in the mail:

I’m sure she would rather receive a certificate congratulating her on becoming a GM (Grandmaster).



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