Sunday, June 23, 2024

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Last night I went to bed at 10pm, got up once at midnight, again at 4:45, finally waking/getting up at 6:30am.

I purchased a “chess course” on sale 30% off for $207.90. It’s more of a ‘what to study’ and ‘how to study’ class applied to chess. We’ll see how it goes.

Troyclough resigned our game in 23 moves increasing my rating to 1601. 😊 Now we’ll see how long I can keep my rating over 1600.

I left the apt at 9am and stopped at the Bancolombia window where I bought an ink correction pen for 3,700 pesos. I continued on to Parva where I completed 3 more pages of chess puzzles from my book. I left at 11:30 and bought half a liter of coconut ice cream before returning to the apt under raindrops.

I see neighbors across the street have a brown and white husky and a cat. Or maybe they’re just visitors.

Teresa is getting ready to go to Plaza Mayor to meet her sister at some type of a faire. I declined as it didn’t sound like anything I’d be interested in.

I left the apt at 1:45 for Los Porteños where I got the last outside table. They were pretty busy which is why I usually don’t come on the weekends. There was a large “monster truck” playing loud music.

The Aimchess app is back working again and I completed the 15 puzzles for today.

Teresa called and asked me to pick up a chicken breast so she can make burritos to take with us tomorrow. I left at 5pm and picked up milk and a package of chicken breasts in Ara on the way back to the apt.

Teresa left just before 6pm and I called her a Didi to take her to Plaza Mayor.

It started raining about 7pm, turned to a downpour about 8pm and changed again to a drizzle about 9pm.

Teresa returned at 9:30 (now a downpour) and reported the trip was a waste of time. Although she did mention something about a naked woman walking around with just her private parts covered, so…

It was still raining hard when I went to bed at 10pm.



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