Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

 Last night I went to bed at 10pm, got up once at 1:15, again at 5:15, finally waking/getting up at 6am.

I left the apt at 7:30 and took an Uber to Unicentro mall for 15,290 pesos. Traffic was relatively light and I found Jose outside the San Joaquin entrance 10 minutes before opening.

We went up to Parmessano and took our usual table. I had the French toast and a latte and he had a scrambled egg casserole.

In the food court I had the Black pieces first and I messed up the opening on the 5th move but tried to hold on, finally getting checkmated on the 38th move.

I had the White pieces and got an attack going but missed a queen fork that would have won me the game.

It was 2pm when I took a Didi in good traffic to Viva Envigado. In Exito I paid the epm bill of 403,000 pesos. On my way up the elevator outside Exito I ran into Marta, Wilson’s girlfriend, on her way to a clothing store.

I went up to Pergamino where I had their granola with yogurt and acai berries and a small latte. I was lucky I got one of the last seats available. There was an obvious thunderstorm while I was there. I left at 4pm, bought 2 bags of milk and half a dozen bananas before returning to the apt by taxi. (Btw, the driver spoke English, having worked in the US (Boston specifically) for over 20 years.)

I watched some news on Medellin TV.

Tonight I saw 3 bats flying below at tree level.



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