Friday, May 24, 2024

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Last night I went to bed at 10pm, got up once at 3:45am, finally waking/getting up at 7:15am.

I fell asleep fine so maybe 6pm isn’t too late for me to have coffee as long as I continue my pre sleep routine.

My pad appears to be dry this morning, possibly confirming that they TENS 3000 machine helps.

ONEIPAMETATO1453 resigned our game on the 32nd move, increasing my rating to 1589.

Teresa called Alcala, our real estate company, something about gas. I finally learned, I think, that someone was here yesterday to check our gas but because we weren’t here they’re going to cut off our gas this Saturday if we don’t “do something”, and then we would have to pay a multa (fine or fee) to have it turned back on.

I was dressed and ready to leave at 9am but got delayed because of this gas problem. Finally, at 9:40 Teresa said I could go. She had a call in-progress but she was on hold.

I walked to Pasteur where I bought a box of pads and another tube of medicine for my ankle (the problem may have returned). I had a café con leche in Parva while working on some chess puzzles.

I left at 11:15 and wanted to print something at the Bancolombia window but there was a line. I’ll do it later. Crossing by the pet store I found a 1 ¾” drywall screw in the street which will be better in my toolbox than someone’s tire.

Teresa told me someone’s coming over next Thursday, May 30th so I guess this latest disaster (gas) has been averted. Also, she has a friend that lives in Alcala (first thing I think of when she says that word is our RE agency but that’s the name of the neighborhood it’s in) she’s going to meet later for coffee. Maybe I’ll go see Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (8.1) at 1:40.

Direct TV still doesn’t work (sin señal) so Teresa will have to make a call about that.

I left the apt at 1:30 and took a Didi to the mall. I recycled a couple items then went up to Cine Colombia. I bought a balcony ticket for 8,000 pesos, then another platinum popcorn for free and a small soda for 8,900 pesos. I easily found my seat in the dark during the coming attractions.

The special effects were amazing but the movie was too long and I often couldn’t tell who was fighting who.

The closest restroom to the entrance has been closed for a week or two. Today I noticed the entrance to its waiting room is now drywalled over. I noticed iShop is closed for remodeling; my best guess is it will be expanding back into the previous restroom & waiting room space.

After I printed a couple pages of Teresa’s test results, I bought a few items in Exito and returned to the apt by taxi. It started raining a bit right as walked from the porteria to the garage.

I watched another episode of The Good Fight. At the end of season 4, episode 2 (April, 2020) the crew (actors, writers, producers, etc.) explained because of Covid they were going to delay releasing the next episode by a week.

I lost to Troyclough dropping my rating down to 1579. I messed that game up late in the opening.

A downpour for a while in the evening. It was still raining when I went to bed at 10pm.



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