Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Last night I went to bed at 9:45, got up once at 11:30, don’t think I got back to deep sleep after that, finally waking/getting up at 6:20.

It was pouring outside, here and in Medellin, and I ended up cancelling my chess get-together with Jose. The rain ended by 7:45 though.

Troyclough resigned our game on the 30th move and I increased my rating to 1583.

At 9am I took a Didi to the mall, recycled a glass bottle then took a seat in Urbania. I spent a couple hours studying mates in two, paid for my latte, bought a few items (including D batteries) in Exito and returned to the apt by taxi.

I noticed a sign in the elevator that Citi Plaza has chess lessons every Wednesday on the 2nd floor from 4-5:30 for children and 5:30-7pm for adults.

I changed out the 2nd old battery and, without touching anything else, we have hot water again. Strangely, Teresa insisted the previous owner told her that the hot water heater only contains one battery. Huh?

I watched another episode of The Good Fight and most of the rest of the night MSNBC news.

I’ve been leaking more the past week. It’s been 6 weeks since I’ve done a TENS 3000-unit procedure so maybe they’re more important than I thought so I started doing them again this afternoon.

About 6pm a downpour started that lasted about 45 minutes.

Tomorrow Teresa has her dentist appointment in the afternoon and I’ll be going with her.



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