Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Monday, May 20, 2024

Last night I went to bed at 9:45, got up once at 3:30, finally waking/getting up at 6:30.

I took a quick cold shower this morning.

Teresa left just before 8am for her gym class. I left the apt at 8:30 and walked to Los Porteños where I put my last peanut in the crook of the tree and took my usual seat. I briefly met a guy from Tennessee; he usually comes in December or January and this is his first time in the rainy season.

I saw the red squirrel come down the wrong tree and head for the right one.

He went up the tree and stopped short of where I put the peanut seeming a little cautious to approach.

He took it and carried it a little further up another branch of the tree.

Here’s a still and video of him eating the peanut.

He seemed to enjoy it but he’ll have to wait a few months (football season) for another.

I solved a few more chess puzzles, left just after 11am and returned to the apt. The elevator was under maintenance so I had to walk up four flights of stairs.

I did a few arm curls with my 7# dumbbell with no problem.

After further observation I think I finally solved the problem with the water heater, there are 2 D batteries not just one. I’ll buy another one tomorrow and hopefully that will solve the problem.

I left the apt at 1:30 and walked to Eduardo Madrid bakery. I had a latte while studying the opening Jose usually plays against me when he has the Black pieces. At one point I asked the clerk if my bagels were ready and I saw her put them in a bag. They were busy helping other customers so I returned to my table. About 3:30 I heard thunder and they weren’t helping any customers so I paid 26,800 pesos for my bagels and latte and returned to the apt. I changed clothes and opened the bag to break up the bagels into 3 equal packages (2 for the freezer and 1 for the fridge) when I pulled out what looked like a loaf of rye bread. Teresa laughed at me for not looking in the bag before I paid. (Is this what they mean to be scammed in Colombia?) I dressed and was heading out the door when my phone, that I had left on my desk, rang. I reentered the apt and looked at it and it showed Eduardo Madrid so I handed the phone to Teresa. Besides the obvious she ordered a slice of carrot cake. 😊  I returned to the bakery and paid 12mil for the carrot cake and returned to the apt with it and my sleeve of 6 bagels. At least I made it back before there was any rain.

Teresa ate half of the carrot cake right away; I waited until later but it was delicious.

I drew a game against ONEIPAMETATO1453 that I was winning, lowering my rating 2 points to 1579.

Teresa wants us to go to breakfast next Sunday at DoSabores in Sao Paulo Plaza.

I couldn’t get Medellin TV to work without a lot of buffering. Teresa even tried Direct TV but couldn’t get a satellite connection.

Interesting, despite the thunder, we never had any rain today.



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