Friday, August 7, 2015

Friday, August 7th, 2015

I fell asleep quickly after Teresa finally came to bed about midnight.  I didn’t get up until 5:45 when I heard a barking contest going on outside.  Back in bed I soon heard Miguel cutting the garden close to the house followed by fireworks testing from the factory.  I was still awake when the alarm went off at 7am.  Teresa got up about 10 minutes later and then I quickly fell back asleep finally waking/getting up at 8:45.

I found an email from my son, Jim, that American Airlines left him a voice mail message at 3am telling him his flight has been cancelled and he has been rebooked for tomorrow at 5am.  Aarrgh! 

The dogs went crazy and a few minutes later Teresa found a Jehovah’s Witness flier in the front door.

Teresa went out for a while and when she came back she had a piece of rebar with her.  She told me it would be good for defense against some bad guy.

Teresa made a 5pm appointment in Envigado to have her nails done followed by a 6pm appointment to have her hair done.  In the meantime I’ll go to an internet café to have some documents printed.

I had Teresa call the hotel, Hacienda La Extremadura, and change our reservation from Friday/Saturday to Saturday/Sunday.  Now it’s 165,000 pesos for each night, 330mil total or $57 a night.  We talked it over and decided to only stay Saturday night in the hotel.

I checked this week’s new US movie releases and I would like to see The Gift (7.5).  Locally, I would like to see Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation (8.0).

The three of us left the finca at 4:10pm.  The black dog barked at us behind the fince but I didn’t see the rottweiler.  They have electric poles installed on our side of the highway which Teresa thinks will be to light the highway.  We only had to wait 5-10 minutes for a bus to Envigado.  Laura left us for her grandmother’s house and we went to Nohelia.  

I understood we had a little wait so we stopped in Exito.  Teresa told me that today is a holiday so the downtown Envigado internet café would be closed.  Teresa asked someone in Exito about printing something from my flash drive and she led us to a small store.  I printed 25 pages which cost me 3,750 pesos (about $1.25).

Back outside we noticed there was music in the parking lot with booths set up and lots of people dancing and milling around.  We shared an oreo McFlurry for 5,900 pesos at the McDonalds right outside the beauty salon.
As soon as I sat down I realized I left my Nook back at the finca.  Teresa went into the beauty shop about 5:30.  I walked around Exito where I found Pam spray and a bottle of dill hamburger pickles.  I was just noting them for purchase some other time.  I sat in their food court for over an hour trying to read a couple magazines in Spanish.

Back at Nohelia Teresa finally finished about 7:20.  I noticed a concert they have in Medellin to celebrate the end of the flower festival.  I also saw some of the classic and antique car parade.  They seemed to feature the chevys especially the fancy corvettes.  I think Sunday is officially the last day of the festival.  The cost for manicure, pedicure, and whatever they did to her hair was 72mil ($24).  

We bought a couple small bags of pastries with chicken inside for about 4mil.  We took a taxi to the highway and there was almost no one there.  After a short wait we were on an Amaga express bus back to the finca.  There was almost no traffic and we got back in record time - 30 minutes.  The killer dogs heard us coming in the dark but only the rottweiler came out and only after we had already passed.

Tomorrow we will leave the finca about 9am, take a bus to the first metro station, La Estrella, take the metro to Parque Berrio, walk a few blocks to the bus stop and catch a bus to the airport.  My son’s plane is expected in about 12:25 and he probably won’t be out until about 1pm.

I took my sleeping pills at 11pm and went to bed.

I set the alarm on my cell phone to 6am for Teresa and 7am for me.

T-shirt of the day: Never stop, always be positive.

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