Medellin’s Dulce Jesus Mio, or “My Sweet Jesus” in English, is quite possibly the tackiest nightclub in town. Covered in neon lights, with an excess of dolls, plastic trinkets, and colorful underwear hanging from the ceiling, the place sparkles with kitsch.
The club claims to model itself on a traditional village tavern with weird and wonderful characters (including a bearded lady and a little person) to welcome and entertain the guests.
The bathrooms are a theme park unto themselves, with a statue of a superhero surrounding each toilet bowl, and instead of a basic handbasin in the men’s room, there’s a squatting Cat Woman expelling water from her nether regions.
The entry fee wasn’t steep at $5, but in order to be seated at a table, it is a requirement to buy at least one bottle of spirits (starting at $50).
Just FYI, Terry . . . None of the photos in this post would load for me. Tried both Safari & Firefox -same diff! The photos from the next newer post (Medellín one of the best cities...) aren't loading, either. Don't know if other readers are having a similar problem with these pix. Just FWIW . . . Paul M.