Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Monday, November 2, 2020

Today is Dia de los Santos (All Saints Day) here in Colombia.

Last night I took a Zopiclona and went to bed at 10:30pm, got up twice during the night, finally waking/getting up at 7:15.

Because today is a holiday there wasn’t any Colombian morning news. I put on Chicago sports but got a lot of buffering. I put on CBS New in the Morning and got a good connection.

Due to Saturday’s time change in the US the Today show now starts at 10am instead of 9am. Still, I left the apt at 9:20 (Teresa looked to be ready to leave for her walk a few minutes later.) to meet Marcos for a joint walk. We walked to Parque Envigado, rested a bit then walked back to La Buena Mesa. Parva was closed so we had coffee at Antonio’s Gelato. Marcos thinks Rob might be able to help me with my Windows 10 problem but first I’ll try Chessbase and then Juan. We talked about Teresa and I visiting Chicago next year and he volunteered to check on flight prices even though they will change between now and then.

I finished season 1 of Bosch on Medellin TV and started season 2.

Teresa returned at 11:45.

Marcos called me at 12:15 to inform me he found American Airlines round-trip tickets for next June 19 through July 7 for $375 apiece. Nice price but I’m not booking tickets so far into the future.

Teresa left at 2:15 to meet a friend at Mayorca and then they are going to the gym where her friend is going to help her talk to management.

I watched more episodes of season 2 of Bosch on Medellin TV.

Teresa returned at 5:30 with a new pair of Nike shoes she bought at an outlet store in Mayorca.



Federal authorities are expected to re-erect a “non-scaleable” fence around the White House on Monday, a day before a presidential election many fear may lead to mass protest, civil unrest and even armed insurrection.


An algorithm developed in the US has correctly identified people with Covid-19 only by the sound of their coughs. In tests, it achieved a 98.5% success rate among people who had received an official positive coronavirus test result, rising to 100% in those who had no other symptoms.



A new study finds that coronavirus patients who had severe symptoms can experience a decline in brain functions months after recovery.

Some common cognitive issues include memory loss, brain fog, and an inability to concentrate for sustained periods of time.

Researchers say that the cognitive decline is equivalent to the brain aging 10 years.


HealthCare.gov is the face of Obamacare, the online marketplace where millions of Americans sign up for health insurance — and now, two days before the 2020 election, the Trump administration has approved a plan to scrap the website in the swing state of Georgia.


The US has 9,163,760 ð 9,278,450 ð 9,330,572 coronavirus cases with 230,100+ ð 230,800+  ð 231,100+ deaths.

Per Medellin Guru, as of this afternoon Colombia has a total of 1,074,184 ð 1,083,321 ð 1,093,256 cases with 31,670 deaths. Medellin has 97,721 ð 98,587 ð 99,977 cases, an increase of 1,404 from November 1st to 2nd. Envigado has a total of 7,616 cases, an increase of 259 from November 1st to 2nd. New infections are increasing again.


Joke of the day

After 70 years of marriage, a man is asked what the secret of a long and successful marriage is.

"It's simple," he replied. "Two nights a week we go to a quiet restaurant and enjoy exquisite food, some candlelight, soft music, and a slow walk home.”

"She goes on Wednesdays, and I go on Saturdays."

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