Friday, November 6, 2020

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Last night I took a Zopiclona and went to bed at 10:30, got up once at 3am, finally waking/getting up at 7am.

Well, I woke up to the fact that we still don’t know the winner of the following states: Nevada, Arizona, Georgia, North Carolina and Pennsylvania (oh and Alaska).

Today I have a chess lesson scheduled from 2:30 to 4:30, I have to pick up my 6 English muffins between 1pm and 4pm (8pm?), and our new table is supposed to be delivered sometime today.

I watched more episodes of Bosch on Netflix TV.

Teresa needs to help a friend with a doctor’s procedure so she called and changed the table delivery to Monday.

The AP (Associated Press) has declared Democrat Joe Biden the winner in Arizona.

I left the apt just before 2pm and walked to the bakery where I paid 9mil for 6 English muffins.  I picked up a few things at Exito on my way back to the apt.


Trump: “Stop the count.” That doesn’t sound like it’s supporting the Constitution.

Greta Thunberg: “So ridiculous. Donald must work on his Anger Management problem, then go to a good old fashioned movie with a friend! Chill Donald, Chill!”

I had my 2-hour chess lesson with Juan Castro.

As of 3:30 we do not know who has won the following states (electoral votes): Alaska (3), Arizona (11), Georgia (16), Nevada (6), North Carolina (15), or Pennsylvania (20).

Teresa returned from Cedi Med at 6:30, she said traffic was awful. I understand her friend got a proctoscopy/endoscopy and it took her some time to recover.

I just listened to the president’s embarrassing, disgusting press conference and after listening my only thought is…


I don’t know how anyone can support that shameful man.

What a piece of shit!

A despicable excuse of a human being.

He is who we thought he is. And he just proved it with that disgusting press conference.


The US has 9,415,620 ð 9,571,938 ð 9,646,183 coronavirus cases with 231,900+ ð 234,100+ ð 234,800+ deaths.

Per Medellin Guru, as of this afternoon Colombia has a total of 1,099,392 ð 1,108,084 ð 1,117,977 cases with 32,209 deaths. Medellin has 100,702 ð 101,819 ð 103,229 cases, an increase of 1,408 from November 4th to 5th.  Envigado has a total of 7,958 cases, an increase of 158 from November 4th to 5th.  New infections are increasing again.


Joke of the day

A man goes in for an interview for a job as a TV news broadcaster. The interview went quite well with one problem - he kept winking at the camera.

The interviewer said, "Although you have a lot of the qualities we're looking for, the fact that you keep winking is a real problem. I'm afraid we won't able to hire you unless you get it under control."  

"Oh, that's no problem," said the man. "If I take a couple of aspirin I stop winking for a couple of hours. More than enough time to get the broadcast done." 

"Alright, show me," said the interviewer. 

So the man reached into his pocket. First he put his hand in his right pocket, and as he took it out he pulled out loads of condoms of every variety and size, but no pills.
Next he dug into his left pocket, and again pulled out an embarrassing amount of condoms in all shapes and colors before finally finding the packet of aspirin. He took the aspirin and the second take went without a single hitch.

The interviewer said, "That's amazing, I'd hire you on the spot, except that we're not in the habit of hiring such womanizers. We've had too many sexual harassment suits." 

"Excuse me!" exclaimed the man, "I'm a happily married man, not a womanizer!" 

"Well how do you explain all the condoms, then?" asked the interviewer. 

The man sighed. "Have you ever tried going into a pharmacy, asking for aspirin and winking all the while?" 

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