Thursday, June 24, 2021

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Last night I went to bed at 10:30pm, fell asleep quickly, but was awakened five times by cramps in my right calf. When I was younger and more limber I recall grabbing my toes and pulling them towards me to stop the cramp. This time I pulled off my sheet and stood up on the floor to flatten my foot. After that as soon as I had the first indication one was coming I managed to straighten my leg and perform whatever is the opposite of pointing your toes.

So what changed that brought this on? The only thing I can think of is the ciclovia trip I made the past 3 weeks. I realize now I can handle 8,000-10,000 steps every other day (M/W/F) but 20,000-22,000 on a single day (Sunday) is apparently too much for these old legs.

Teresa left at 9am for the gym and I understand we’re going to meet up later at Viva Envigado.

I left the apt at 10am. (When I return I’m going to download WinZip which should allow me to unzip the files that Cedimed sent me Monday night.) I had coffee in Todo Fresa until Teresa called me to meet her at Home Center. As we entered I asked her what she’s looking for and she told me she’s looking for a gift for the baby at the finca. (Hmm, maybe a set of drill bits?) She talked to an employee and we soon left and went to Exito where she priced a couple fancy playpens then decided she would do something else. We picked up a some groceries, including a few bananas, and returned to the apt by taxi.

I downloaded a 21-day test version of WinZip 25.0. The problem now is I can’t copy the .zip files out of the email and WinZip doesn’t allow me to point to the .zip files in the email so I’m screwed. I think I’ll have to go to Cedimed for them to give me a copy.

Colombia is playing Brazil at 8pm so no Desafio program tonight. Teresa mentioned seeing a movie so I’ll check it out this afternoon.

After lunch I walked to the mall where I bought 2 tickets to A Place of Silence 2 for 12,000 pesos. When choosing our seats two on the side were pointed out to me. I pointed to two nearer the middle and she told me they weren’t available. I understood the white seats on the screen are taken but there were lots of blue seats. Only after squinting did I see that there were tall blue seats and they are blocked and only the short blue seats are available.

I had coffee in Santa Leña before returning to the apt.

I warned Teresa if she wants anything from the concession stand we will need to leave at 6pm. She said “no” so we’re leaving at 7pm.

We left just after 7, there was no line to enter and we didn’t buy anything at the concession stand. We could have because the line was very short and it would have given us a good excuse to take off our masks during the movie. (We took them off anyway.) When we left the theater there was a long line at concessions. When we got outside to catch a taxi the street was wet so obviously we got some rain while we were inside and there was a 5-minute wait in line.

Today I clocked 10,221 steps.


The New York Times’ 7-day average of new daily infections and deaths has the US with 11,243 ð 11,370 ð 11,310 new cases and 311 ð 308 ð 304 new deaths.

Per Medellin Guru, as of yesterday Colombia has a total of 3,968,405 ð 3,997,021 ð 4,027,016 cases with 100,582 ð 101,302 ð 101,947 deaths.  Medellin has 337,284 ð 339,117 ð 341,100 cases, an increase of 1,978 cases from June 22nd to 23rd. Envigado has a total of 26,445 cases, an increase of 92 from June 22nd to 23rd.


T-shirt of the day

I shoulda stayed in bed.

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