Saturday, March 25, 2017

Friday, March 24, 2017

The morning is overcast once again. 

I decided to skip the gym again this morning.  I did a few exercises with my 7lb dumbbell and I’ll probably return to the gym on Monday.  Instead I watched an episode of Mayday that I hadn’t seen before.

I finally heard from Eddie.  This is the email I had sent him the day before:
“Actually, I have a cold so Teresa doesn't want me to go. I plan to go for pizza, maybe stay an hour then head back home. Save me a seat.”
He told me he only read the first sentence.  Without reading it he said he thought the rest was just BS.  He said he arrived there at 6:30 (the event was scheduled to start at 7pm) so he went across the alley and started watching a soccer game.  When that ended he got involved in another soccer game so he had dinner there.

I told him in no uncertain terms that I was pissed; that he didn’t read my complete email and that he went to the Expat meet-up but didn’t even bother to go inside.

Among new US movie releases I would like to see Life (7.4).
Locally, I would like to see Silence playing in Oviedo at noon, Mayorca at 3:40pm and Life playing in Oviedo at 4:30pm and Santafe at 4pm.  But I’ll probably wait until I’m finished with this chess tournament and my cold is better before going into a possibly cold theater.

When I was a computer programmer for Sears I used to play in the Chicago Industrial Chess League.  Ruben, my old chess playing friend, sent me a link to their monthly bulletins.  I spent most of the night reading through them from 1970 to 1980.

T-shirt of the day: If no one comes from the future to stop you from doing it… then how bad a decision can it really be?

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