Saturday, June 23, 2018

Friday, June 22, 2018

From the wet streets it’s obvious we got a little rain overnight although I never heard anything.

I got 3-4 times during the night, finally woke up at 6:30 and got up at 7:15.

I watched the first 20 minutes of the Today show and went to the gym.  On the way I bought a Q’Hubo newspaper.  I did all of my exercises in an hour and 50 minutes.  Afterward I stopped at Comfama and picked up a free Gente newspaper.

For lunch Teresa made spaghetti ala Juanita and I wanted to include garlic bread but we didn’t have any bread.  She wanted me to go down the hill to the lower Exito for pan de maiz (literally bread of corn) but I wasn’t about to walk back up that hill.  I stopped first at a nearby copy center where I had a few pages copied.  Here it costs 100 pesos per page while the large copy center charges 200 pesos per page.  Hmmm!  I went to the closer upper Exito and of course they didn’t have the “corn bread” but I found some other type of bread shaped like small hotdog buns.  I used that instead and the garlic bread turned out fine.

Laura left with 450,000 pesos for her English interview with the au pair agency.

Teresa and I took a nap from 2:30 to 3:30.

It’s nearing the end of the month and money is getting tight with all the expenses for the finca and Laura’s au pair but we’ll make it.

Among new US movie releases: I’ve already seen Jurassic World (6.7) but Damsel (5.6) and The Catcher was a Spy (6.3) look interesting.  Locally, Every Day (6.2) is playing at 6pm at Oviedo.

When is my cold going to end?  It’s been 2 weeks now and it continues to linger.  Well, I certainly can’t blame it on air conditioning.

About 7pm Teresa and I walked down to MT’s apartment and she joined us on our walk to Home Center.  Teresa exchanged some small parts and picked up a few other things including a welcome mat for the finca.  We were going to go for pizza but she changed her mind and we picked up sandwiches at a deli outside Exito.  MT walked back to her apt and we carried our things up the hill.  As usual I was starting to sweat in my jeans and t-shirt by the time I got to the top.

I asked Laura about her English interview today.  She said it wasn’t easy but she thinks she did well.  She’ll find out for sure on Monday.  She still needs to get a certificate for the 1 semester she was in the university and then have it translated into English.

If your dictionary told the truth: Golf (n.) An excuse for old fat men to say they still play a sport.

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