Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Last night I took half a Zopiclona and NO Trazadone and went to bed at 10:45.  Probably because of the hot oatmeal I had for dinner I got up at 1am, 3am, took another half Zopiclona and returned to bed, got up again at 5am, finally waking/getting up at 6:45.  
Despite all that I still felt pretty good and my lower back pain hasn’t returned.

I left the apt just before 8am with Teresa who was heading for downtown Medellin to pick up her cancer medicine for the month. 

I had the 10mil breakfast at Habia Una Vez and Jose showed up about 8:45.  We chatted a bit then went upstairs to the food court.

I had White in the first game and I played The London System.  On the 16th move I missed an opportunity that would have had me up a knight with a superior position and I eventually resigned on the 63rd move.

I had my usual BBQ chicken nuggets from Frisby and Jose had a burger.

After lunch I had the Black pieces and I didn’t play the Dutch Defense well and I resigned on the 27th move.  Sigh!  After a 5-game winning streak I’ve now lost 2 in a row.

I went downstairs and had a café con leche in Todo Fresa.  Teresa called me and informed me that it was pouring outside aand that I should stay put.  I solved another set of chess puzzles and left the café.  At the mall entrance I could see it was pouring, our first rain in weeks, but I walked back to the apt anyway.  The streets were like creeks and I returned to the apt soaked from the knees down.  The rain was tapering off as I returned.

Teresa returned about an hour later.

The new renter of the finca is eager to move in so Teresa is going to have to go there this weekend, probably Saturday, to get things ready.

I finally talked her into seeing the first episode of You and now she’s hooked.  Now I only have to get her through the first season and a few episodes in the 2nd and she’ll be caught up to me.

5,650 steps today.

Joke of the day
My wife caught me standing on the bathroom scale, sucking in my stomach.
She laughed and said, “That’s not going to help.”
“Sure it will,” I replied.  “It’s the only way I can see the numbers.”


  1. Sorry this is a day late. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY on your seven year mark in Colombia. I enjoy your daily journey with my morning coffee. It is good to see how you have carved out a good, enjoyable and content life for yourself. Hopefully one day in the future I will be able to meet up with you.
