Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Monday, June 26, 2017

I slept well last night only getting up once about 5am, finally walking/getting up at 8am.

It’s a partially overcast morning thus far.

I watched the first hour of the Today show and they had some coverage of the Guatape tragedy.

I left for the gym and walking through the park a man called my name.  I saw 2 of the stronger chess players I’ve played against before.  They were just setting up a chessboard and they invited me to play but I informed them I needed to go to the gym.

At the gym I skipped most of the lower body exercises and backed off on the weight of everything else.  I was there for about an hour.

Returning to the park there were several chess games in progress, maybe because today is a holiday.  The guy I call The Russian invited me to play so I told him I only had time for one game.  I had the Black pieces and he soon had a lot of pressure on my King and Queen.  I squeezed out of it with a 2 pawn advantage but I lost the right to castle.  Being up 2 pawns I managed to trade pieces to where we each had only 2 rooks and the pawns.  He had 2 pawns on his king side and 4 pawns on his queenside and I had my original 8 and I just marched my pawns down the center protected by my king.  It was amazing to see how strong that was against his 2 Rooks.  I won the game and headed back to the apt.

After my shower I watched a little of the History Channel and then took a 40-minute nap.  Teresa and Laura had returned by the time I woke up.

Teresa made a delicious chicken salad, with peach slices and fresh juice but I could only finish half of it.

Afterwards I found out I still have a diarrhea problem.  I took 2 more pills so I hope that helps.

We watched Still Alice (7.5) on Netflix.  Yes, I know we’ve seen it before.  I believe it's Teresa's favorite movie.

At 6:15 it started raining and hadn’t stopped by the time we went to bed at 11pm.

T-shirt of the day: You find it offensive?  …I find it funny.  That’s why I’m happier than you.

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