Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Monday, June 19, 2017

We went to bed at 11:20 last night, I fell asleep quickly and only got up one time at 5am.  I was quickly back asleep and woke/got up at 8:50am.

Today is another Monday holiday.

So far it’s an overcast day with a few sprinkles.

When I shaved this morning I think the blade sharpening I did with the Simichrome polish last Saturday actually worked.  Not bad, a $20 investment offset by not having to buy a new $120 shaver.

I watched the first hour of the Today show and then left for the gym with my small umbrella.

On the way I didn’t feel any discomfort in my hip but I still decided not to do the leg exercises that could possible aggravate it.  Jeison was sitting at the front desk reading a newspaper so I asked him for the final score of yesterday’s match – A/N beat Cali 5-1.  I completed 12 exercises and then did 20 minutes at speed 5 on the treadmill.  I didn’t feel any discomfort in my hip but it did feel tired.  I didn’t see Jose today so I guess I’ll have to save my joke for Wednesday.

When I came out the sky had cleared and it was mostly sunny.
After lunch Teresa and I took a nap from 2:30 to 3:30.

I did some internet searches and found “Congrats to Sam Sevian on becoming American Continental Chess Champion …” and Samuel Sevian wins the Continental of the Americas in less than half an hour [on] tiebreakers to qualify for the World Cup!”

The above photo was taken at the American Continental Championship that he just won on tiebreakers.  (Sorry, I couldn't figure out how to include the photos.)

The above photo is from the 2017 Chicago Chess Open he won earlier this month.  That’s definitely the boy I saw entering the playing room last Thursday afternoon.  In the previous photo he’s even wearing the hoodie that I saw him in when he was entering the playing room.

I finished Out of Captivity: Surviving 1,967 Days in the Colombian Jungle by Marc Gonsalves, Keith Stansell, and Tom Howes and then downloaded Michael Connelly’s A Darkness More than Night: Harry Bosch #7.

I’ve been watching the series Genius on National Geographic Channel every Monday night at 9pm.  Last week it was episode 8 but for some reason this week it shows episode 11 – and its 2 hours long.

Teresa asked me to go to Exito to buy bananas for waffles tonight.  I said “what, you want me to get dressed and go to Exito just to buy bananas?”  Not gonna happen.

I’m editing Alex’s new book.  I’ve read the first 55 pages and only found 2 typos.  As I told him, it’s not the type of book I usually read but I respect someone that can write that well.  I know I couldn’t do it.

At 7pm Laura came home and Teresa sent her to Exito to buy turkey sandwiches for dinner along with a few bananas.  She came back with the bananas but reported that the cafeteria was closed so we don’t have the sandwiches.  Teresa made pancakes with bananas and strawberries instead.

T-shirt of the day: National Sarcasm Society.  Like we really need your support.

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