Sunday, October 25, 2015

Saturday, October 24th, 2015

I got up once during the night, finally waking/getting up at 9am.

I spent most of the day studying my chess opening.  I also signed up for a chess database service called  The basics are free but I made a voluntary contribution of $10 to get their advanced services.

I called Oscar at the chess league office in Medellin to inquire about upcoming chess tournaments.  I left a message with his voice mail but by the end of the day had yet to hear from him.

Teresa spent most of the day reorganizing pictures and things in the finca.
I didn’t turn on my computer until early in the evening when Teresa asked to watch a movie.  We started several movies: Livid, Starry Eyes and The Dead Girl but Teresa at one point or another gave up on them.  We started watching Up in the Air and stopped because it was time to go to bed.
It was a very cool day and we had a little rain.

We never heard from the carpenter about delivering my chess chairs, perhaps because the weather was so threatening.

I took my sleeping pills at 11pm and went to bed.

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