Saturday, August 10, 2024

Friday, August 9, 2024

Last night I went to bed at 10pm, got up once at 2:45, couldn’t fall back asleep, got up at 3:30, went back to bed at 4am, didn’t sleep deeply after that, woke up by alarm at 7am, took half an Excedrin and after 15 minutes felt much better.

It's raining, but hopefully it will end before I leave for the tournament hall.

ONEIPAMETATO1453 resigned our latest game increasing my rating to 1569.

I had breakfast downstairs in their stuffy restaurant from 8am to 8:30. I had a Belgian waffle with jam and Maple syrup and some scrambled eggs with ham.

I texted and talked to Teresa and she’s going to put my bottle of pink Diphenhydramine allergy pills in the porteria and in the afternoon I’ll order a Didi moto to deliver them to the hotel.

I didn’t bring enough socks so I’ve been washing them in the sink and drying them on the towel rack with less than 24 hour turnaround.

It’s 9:30 and there is still a light drizzle. Time for me to change into pants with a regular t-shirt and take my jacket.

It was still drizzling when I arrived at the chess tournament and this time had the White pieces on table 54. My opponent’s name was Juan Sebastian Zapata Uribe and he arrived 8 minutes late which helped me in the end. It was a close game although he had the advantage until he took a poisoned pawn and soon resigned on the 41st move. I had 8 minutes left on my clock and he had 28 minutes. He looked pretty irritated that he lost. So now I’m 2-2, 2 wins with White and 2 losses with Black.

As I left the tournament hall the sky was slightly cloudy with blue skies and I felt overdressed in my convertible pants and t-shirt.

On the way back to the hotel I bought 3 bananas for 2mil. I started the request process for Didi Entrega to deliver my bottle of pills but the driver cancelled the trip and I’m struggling to restart it. The “conditions” I approved excluded “medicine” so we’ll see.

I switched to InDrive and it looks like it’s been accepted. It’s 1pm and a courier is supposed to arrive at Palo de Rosa in 3 minutes, so we’ll see. I agreed to pay 20,000 pesos in cash.

The app told me the driver is at our complex waiting for me so I called him and in my broken Spanish asked him to pick up my pills from the portero. Once I gave him my apartment number he got them and was on his way.

The guy arrived after about 20 minutes and I tipped him 5mil in addition to the 20mil cash for delivery.

I didn’t bring enough socks so after each use, I’ve been washing them in the sink and drying them on the towel rack.

It’s 2:15 and time to grab a late lunch. I walked to El Chaparral de La 70 and had their solomito (steak) with a baked potato and small salad (delicious). The total check with a Coke came to 62mil and change.

I can’t believe I ate the whole thing. 😊

I returned to the hotel and completed another 3 pages of chess puzzles, missing 3. Are they hard the further I get into the book?

I finally checkmated ChessRookie245 on the 80th move increasing my rating to 1573.

I ate one of the bananas before leaving for the tournament.

I felt a little cool in my shorts and sleeveless t-shirt but it’s comfortable when I’m sitting in the chess “bowl”.

It looks like our schedule is overlapping with the kids schedule as evidenced by the games set up in the foreground.

My opponent this time was Fabio de Jesus Paniagua and he arrived 4 minutes late. It was a tough battle but I ended up resigning on the 37th move when he queened a pawn.

I returned to the apt and ate the remaining 2 bananas before going to bed.



My kids laugh because they think I’m crazy. I laugh because they don’t know it’s hereditary.


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