Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Last night I went to bed at 10pm, got up once at 4am, finally waking/getting up by alarm at 6:30.

I started getting my stuff together and packing. I’ll basically have the carry-on for my clothes and my backpack for my chess set and books.

I left the apt at 9am and had a latte in Los PorteƱos while solving another 3 pages of chess tactics, getting all of them correct. I left at 11:15 and returned to the apt.

I lost a game to ONEIPAMETATO1453 lowering my rating to 1570.

Troyclough resigned our game increasing my rating to 1575.

At 3pm I ordered a Didi car to take me to Hotel Egina in Estadio, Laureles, Medellin. The trip took about 30 minutes. With my backpack on my back and pulling Teresa’s carryon I went up the half dozen steps (I found the side ramp later) to the entrance. There were 2 couples together checking out which took about 20 minutes for some reason. I paid 1,594,018 pesos ($387.80), not bad for 6 nights including breakfast. They guy at the front desk doesn’t speak English but the guy who brought my bags up does.

The room is small but still fits a double bed with desk and a couple end tables. There is closet space but only 7 hangers.

I googled Italian American Grill and it said it was “busier than usual”. I left at 6pm and on my way I saw a motorcycle accident.

Neither the father nor the son appeared to be hurt.

At the restaurant I was the only customer, that’s “busier than usual”?  I ordered the meatball calzone with a Coke and the calzone was huge:

It was very good; I ate about 2/3 of it and I’m stuffed! Including tip the cost was 50mil. There were 3 other families there when I left.

On the 4-5 block walk back to the hotel I felt a few raindrops.

I received an email from our realtor and our rent goes up to 2,486,531 pesos ($600) on October 30th.

About 7:45 I went down to the lobby and read my latest Jack Reacher novel until 9pm.

Back upstairs I did a 30-minute session with my TENS 3000 while reading a little more of my book. Teresa called while I was all hooked up and my cellphone was across the room recharging. About 15 minutes later, when my session finished, I called her back and all is well.

I didn’t bring my external hard drive so there won’t be anything special at the end of my posts for this week.



No coffee. No workee.

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