Thursday, August 22, 2024

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Last night I went to bed at 10pm, got up once at 4:45, waking/getting up at 7am.

I lost a game to Troyclough lowering my rating to 1570.

I left the apt at 8:45 and walked to Smartfit. I had no problem entering but was very surprised they’ve reorganized all the machines. All my usual machines are there I just had to search for them.

I completed my usual routine but lifting 10# less than before and only completed a 5-minute walk on the treadmill at the speed of 6km/hr.

I stopped in Envios Market and talked to Nebraskja. There is a package in FL but she’s pretty sure it’s the umbrella. I asked her to check on the notebook and Whatsapp me the results.

I went to Los Portenos where I ran into Bill from Memphis and met his sister Diane who is visiting for the week. Nebraskja texted me that the notebook isn’t in their warehouse. Hmmm.

I left at 11am and returned to the apt.

I left the apt at 1:30 and walked down to the cafe Riccoto (or however it’s spelled) and had a latte and tried one of their Crookies.

It appears to be a chocolate chip cookie made with croissant dough. Quite crumbly and much too big for me to finish. I changed tables twice to avoid the sun so it’s probably not the best place to visit on a sunny afternoon. I completed another 3 pages in my chess puzzle book but got 3 of them wrong. I left at 3:30 and returned to the apt.

Teresa showed me her first completed purse.

She’s asked me to try to sell it; I don’t think so.

I started the process of registering to vote in the November federal election.

Hard Knocks: Training Camp with the Chicago Bears still doesn’t appear on DAZN.

I watched some of the Democratic National Convention.



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