Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Last night I went to bed at 10pm, got up once at 1:30, waking/getting up by alarm at 6:30.

At 7:20 I started my search for an Uber ride to Unicentro. Traffic was heavy and my driver went another exit further north before coming back south. I arrived at the restaurant about 8:15 and Jose was waiting for me.

We each had their French toast with coffee. We adjourned to the food court and I had the Black pieces in the first game. I got a nice attack going until he exchanged his rook for my knight and I no longer had a plan to follow and he eventually checkmated me on the 32nd move.

It was only 11:15 when we started the 2nd game where I had the White pieces. I was able to block his pieces from moving and he resigned on the 41st move.

It was only 1:30 when I ordered an Uber for 15mil but when they “expanded their search” I cancelled and used InDrive to take me to Viva Envigado for 20,000 pesos cash.

I had the chicken teriyaki with a limonada de coco in Sarku’s then went downstairs to Urbania for a latte. Well, this milk decoration is different.

I left at 4pm and returned to the apt by taxi.

At 8pm I looked for the 3rd episode of Hard Knocks but it isn’t up yet. I’ll try again tomorrow.



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