Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Monday, August 26, 2024

Last night I went to bed at 10pm, got up once at 2am, again at 4am, couldn’t fall back asleep, got up at 4:20, returned to bed at 5am, finally waking/getting up at 6:30am.

Teresa made me breakfast and I left for the gym at 9am. I completed my set with no problem. (Last week I had pain on my right kneecap on the first rep of the seated leg curl machine.)

I had a latte in Los Portenos and briefly met a couple, he from San Diego and she originally from Chicago. I left at 10:30 and returned to the apt.

Jose texted me he has a doctor’s appointment tomorrow so can’t meet for chess.

I left the apt at 2pm and had a latte and chocolate chip cookie in Ricotto, or whatever it’s called.

At one point I observed a young lady crossing the street with her arms extended and her hands in the air. ???  I have no idea what that was about.

At 4pm I paid 14mil and stopped in Eduardo Madrid but was told that they don’t sell mop handles separately which is what Teresa wanted me to pick up.

I called USAA and set up automatic payment of my credit card from my checking account AND I got my closed Citibank account no longer appearing on my screen. But it took something like and hour which was manageable using my MagicJack and my headphones.

I watched a couple chess lessons on my laptop.



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