Saturday, August 10, 2024

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Last night I went to bed at 10pm, got up once at 2:45, couldn’t fall back asleep, got up at 3:30, played a move against Troyclough, blundered my queen and immediately resigned, went back to bed at 4:15, didn’t sleep deeply after that, woke up with a headache at 7am, took half an Excedrin and after 15 minutes felt much better.

I can’t wait to see what the rating is for my opponent from yesterday, Daniel Yepes.

My rating is now down to 1565. It seems like only yesterday it was 1620.

At 7:45 I went down for breakfast wearing shorts and a sleeveless t-shirt because the dining room is so stuffy. I had some scrambled eggs, a cup of coffee, a bowl of corn flakes and Colombia’s small banana I’ve been wanting to try. It was a little hard so maybe it wasn’t ripe yet.

Next round starts at 10am. I texted my son suggesting we meet at the restaurant Italiano Americano at 2pm.

Innovation Corp texted me my package has arrived in Bogota so I paid the $18 charge using Paypal.

I changed into my convertible pants and t-shirt and stepped outside and saw the sky was clearing. I went back to my room and changed into the same clothes I wore to breakfast. 😊

I left at the Liga de Ajedrez at 9:30 and looked for yesterday’s opponent’s rating but they didn’t have ratings posted. My next game was on board 85 against a 17-year-old girl named Luisa Fernando Samboni. This time I had the White pieces and before she could castle, I sacrificed my rook and pawn for her knight and pawn making it very difficult for her to castle. I kept the pressure up and she made couple mistakes and I checkmated her on the 30th move. I had 17 minutes left on my clock and she had 40 minutes.

I returned to the hotel and had the computer do an analysis of our game.

I went down to the restaurant and completed another 3 pages of chess puzzles, getting 2 of them wrong.

I met Jimmy at Italian American Restaurant at 2pm. We shared a pizza with Italian sausage. The owner said the Tuesday night crowd emptied out his stores of meatballs. He gave me a USA Olympic hat that he said had a logo misalignment but I couldn’t see it. He told me a little more about his coffee tour which was to D’Arrieros Coffee Farm on the way to San Jeronimo.

After lunch I gave Jimmy a guided tour of the Stadium area. Some competitions going on in one of the gyms and soccer games in one of the soccer fields.

We returned to the hotel where he caught a Didi back to his hostel.

I left at 6:10 and bought a 5mil bag of popcorn (sugar not salt ) and ate most of it on the way arriving in time for the 6:30 match. I played Carlos Velez on board 46. I can’t believe I blundered a piece on a tactical combination in the first 6 moves. I fought on but resigned on move 24.

I finished the popcorn (not so good when it’s no longer hot) and took these videos in the stadium area on my walk back to the hotel.




No matter the question, the answer is tequila.


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