Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Monday, August 12, 2024

Last night I went to bed at 9:45, got up once at 1am, finally waking/getting up 1 minute before my alarm went off at 7am.

Best night of sleep since my first night here.

I’ve made plans to meet Jose tomorrow for breakfast at a more reasonable 9am for the sole purpose of going over the games, planning on finishing before 1pm.

I had breakfast downstairs from 7:50 to 8:50. I had them warm up a premade waffle but it was so hard I couldn’t eat more than half of it. I had them make a fresh half but they hadn’t replenished all the Maple syrup and marmalade I wasted on the first one. I also had a glass of orange juice and papaya juice. I stuck around for another hour doing another 3 pages of chess puzzles, getting one wrong.

I completed a couple more lessons in my Noel Studer course. It’s now about 50% completed.

I texted Teresa last night and again this morning asking if I should have lunch here so she doesn’t have to worry about our having lunch together. Still waiting to hear from her.

Here are some photos of my hotel.

This one is the courtyard view from my room. 😊

I started seriously packing at 11am. I left 20mil under my pillow for the maid; kind of like buying her lunch. At 11:30 I took the elevator down to the lobby and checked out; no extra charges. I ordered a Didi and in heavy traffic was dropped off at the apt by 12:15.

Teresa was out so I unpacked most of my stuff. I see my package has been delivered; I’ll go through it later.

I left the apt at 1pm and tried to print my games but her computer couldn’t read my USB drive. I returned to the apt and copied them to a newer one I have and as I was walking out of the garage I ran into Teresa. She was going to have lunch with her girlfriend and she would call me later when she knows which mall they are going to.

I had my games printed and had lunch at Asados Rogelio for 31mil.

I had a latte in Los Porteños while reviewing the computer analysis of my chess games. Teresa texted me that they were in San Lucas mall. I remember having waffles there with Glenn years ago. I asked her why they were there because that mall doesn’t have anything.

I left at 4:30 and returned to the apt. I didn’t buy milk because I’m having breakfast with Jose tomorrow but I forgot about tonight. Teresa returned and gave me yogurt and blueberries to have with a little cereal.

I went through my box and the main thing I was waiting for, a booklet, wasn’t there. I’ll have to see Nobraskja about that. Teresa told me the Shedrain umbrella I ordered for her is too large. I’ll have to check that and see where I or they went wrong.

Rain started about 6pm but stopped by the time I went to bed at 10pm.



I have selected hearing. I’m sorry you were not selected.

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